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[quote name='keefbaker' timestamp='1465205424' post='3065997']
I also wore an amusing T-Shirt which those who know Glenn Fricker will recognise.
Here's a link to a pic (has to be a link as it contains swearing)

So useless you forgot to put the frets on your bass! :blink:


[quote name='blue' timestamp='1465331733' post='3067327']
Interesting gig, biker bar festival. They had a band playinging outside under a tent, 5-9 and we played inside 9-1

Great crowd, the band was hot. At one point the small dance area was full and 7 people dancing on top of the bar.

I love gigs like this. Had so much fun. And to think I get paid to do this.


Sounds very cool! Are most of your gigs big bars, ie 100-200 people maybe?


[quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1465497873' post='3068828']

Sounds very cool! Are most of your gigs big bars, ie 100-200 people maybe?

Yes, but 200 might be a stretch.

All of our shows are 4 hour US bar shows. However that changes in the summer when we're doing more festivals & fairs.


Posted (edited)

Quiet pub gig, we were expecting it as it was lashing with rain right up to the time we were due on, the opening of Euro 2016 no doubt keeping a few indoors (or possibly getting drenched at Download a few miles away). We noticed a nice looking Thai restaurant a few doors away had about 2 people in it too, just a very quiet night in Burton. None of us had played the pub before and they don't pay a lot so simple 2 x 45 set enough and it wasn't a long drive for any of us. I got the impression they use Fridays to test bands for the (apparently slightly more lucrative) Sat night slots. Despite the low turn out it was encouraging for someone to shout out to the owner between two of the songs 'Bloody hell Sue get this lot on Saturday next time!' Thanks to Sue and the staff for being helpful and their enthusiasm for putting on live music even though it looks the kind of place that doesn't make a huge amount of money.

Edited by KevB

Fantastic gig last night at the "Bike N Hound" in Hyde. Very late booking as our scheduled gig had been cancelled lat Thursday.

Great pub, great crowd. Quite compact but the atmosphere was great if a little lively at times - fortunately, being the bass player, I was tucked away at the back so nothing spilled or trodden on.

New patch set up on my Line 6 Helix and it really cut through well - tons of bottom end with enough mids to cut through when I dig in. Small amount of drive on the amp sim and valve and OD to choose between for Ace Of Spades and Slither (with phaser in parts) was just right. Both drive and OD were a bit much stood close to my cab though - guitar style feedback!

Much better than my last gig with my other band - played well and had fun!


Last night's gig was at a bar in town which was booked back in January way before the Euro football schedules were announced (maybe...) We were expecting it to be a pretty rowdy do, but as the weather was fairly good they decided to put us on outside in the small beer garden. I had mixed feelings about this; it was nice to have the space and cool air, but I had been looking forward to playing in a crowded, rowdy sweatbox. Anyway, it will go down as one of our most, er - interesting gigs. The support act didn't show, which actually turned out ok as it gave our drummer a chance to watch the football on his phone while the other three of us non-football fans had a drink (non alcoholic, we don't drink before a gig). Just before we played our frontman (who hasn't been very well) suddenly had a wave of nausea and was pretty close to passing out. Anyway, adrenalin being the wondrous thing it is he managed to get through but was clearly struggling. We then attracted the attention of a compete drunken idiot who latched on to us at the break and told us what songs we should be playing... First song of the second set he managed to fall backwards over a table, taking a whole load of drinks with him. He was swiftly ejected. I won't bore you with the other minor, slightly amusing incidents that punctuated the set, but suffice to say I was not happy. Also, we played badly, we were not tight enough (we've been playing these songs for ever, we should be bulletproof). There was no excuse for such amateur, sloppiness and I felt utterly cheesed off afterwards. But for some reason we went down really well, smiley faces, dancing, singing along, pints held aloft, and lots of positive feedback. The venue want us back too, so we must've done something right. Anyway, we've got a few weeks off now before our next gig, due to holidays etc so the break will hopefully give us the chance to get ourselves firing back on all cylinders again.


A local pub we play at had a cancellation so we said aye, not realising it was footy night...ah well... As it happens, the night starts with a Hen party coming in so we jiggled the set around to give em some dancing choons, they staggered off later but returned after the footy, just as the footy crowd came in too, cue much dancing and varied flashing...culminating in an inpromptu blast of 'Sweet Child O Mine' a song we haven't we haven't played for months, no one seemed to notice the howlers (I started the bass intro in wrong key for openers!) All in all a cracking gig, and we go back in August...happy days!


[quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1465766906' post='3070878']
Also, we played badly, we were not tight enough (we've been playing these songs for ever, we should be bulletproof). There was no excuse for such amateur, sloppiness.

Too bad Buddy Rich isn't around anymore. He could fix that problem in about 10 minutes.



After gigs with my regular band, I was called by a guitarist that I do a jam night with on some Sundays, asking if I could play that night as his bassist was indisposed. I'd never met the drummer. And I would have to sing all the songs - a first for me.

After an hour or so of printing off a few lyrics (generic classic rock stuff) and wondering what I had let myself in for, I repacked the car, had my tea then set off.

I needn't have worried. We went down very well. I must have picked the right songs.

One I love
Roll over lay down
Don't believe a word slow / fast
Boys are back in town
Back in USSR
Rebel rebel

Roadhouse blues
Rockin’ all over world
Sharp dressed man
Walkin' by myself
Are you ready
20th C boy
Purple Rain
Born to be wild
I saw her standing there

Tie your mother down


[quote name='blue' timestamp='1465872683' post='3071736']

Too bad Buddy Rich isn't around anymore. He could fix that problem in about 10 minutes.


If Buddy Rich spoke to me like the way he spoke to his band he'd be having my headstock surgically removed from where the sun doesn't shine... 😆


Reminds me of Dave Hill. He treated his bandmates like sh*t too.
His behaviour at soundchecks if he had an audience was so horrible I stopped going to watch the band.
I was invited to try out for them at one point when a bassist was leaving and declined.

Posted (edited)

Bit of a struggle last night, I was getting over a cold (getting piss wet every day I cycled to work probably didn't help) and the singer had a bad throat which got worse as the gig progressed, had to do a bit of set shuffling in the second set and it was a def 2 x 45 and off. Booking via an agent so never quite sure if its going to be 'your' crowd and not hugely busy but enough folks in to get a bit of atmosphere going. Playing against football on TV always a bit awkward. Thanks to our very own PaulWarning for popping in for a while to see the lesser talented among us. Depending on how England/Wales results go we might get next Sat off.

Edited by KevB

I did a dep gig last night with a fifties rock and roll band. I must admit I wasn't looking forward to it, not my cup of tea normally but I have to say it was fantastic.

We played at a farm in front of the cow shed.....lovely aroma of live cows and cooked ones on the bbq mixed together :blink:

It was the Farmers 40th birthday party and everyone was up for a dance. The old rock and roll went down a storm and I ended the night on a real high...lots of compliments and good wishes..

Some of you know that I have fibromyalgia, the playing of music is a short relief from the constant pain but boy am I paying for it today. :(


Thanks Kev. I don't gig much but I like to keep trying!

Last night was arranged by Malc from MFN and the contacts were very good ...I could get some quite nice gigs out of it.

Of course it could just all of been hot air ;)

Before you say anything Blue ....yes I did get paid :lol:


2 weddings and a nutcase. First wedding on Friday they'd asked us to play Eric Claptons "Wonderful Tonight". No worries - we always ask a happy couple what they would like for their first dance and most of the time we are able to learn it and play. When we were about to start however the bride waddles over and says - "I've changed my mind - can you do xxxx instead?" We say, "soz but we don't know that one - we could have learnt it if thats what you'd said you wanted" - she got really arsey! The whole gig was a bit of a mare - horrible. A few who were too drunk and edgy - there was some ill feeling between some parties at that wedding - couldn't wait to get out of it.

We all felt quite deflated then we did another wedding last night where all were up for it and dancing from the off. Nice people, great venue, well looked after, sound was nice, food, drink. The guests were generally a happier bunch of folks than the miseroids that we'd tried to entertain on Friday. Faith restored.


beer festival saturday night outdoor marquee gig - huuuge crowd quite a few of whom we managed to encourage to shake their groov thang - mainly due to the fact that the saturday night seemed to scoop up all the punters who changed their minds about going friday night because it was pi$$ing down - on a technical note i took the TRB out for a spin as i stopped gigging it many many months ago due to handling issues but since getting my hands on a tasty little dbx160a from this here sale forum the TRB now actually seems to behave itself a bit better :D

on a downside the old age wear and tear thing is a slippery slope and am getting mightily cheesed off having a bad back after every single gig from lugging the bloody 4x10 around - it sounds awesome but my back does not agree with my ears :(


Highs and lows. Played well and crowd went crazy But, I'd just flown back 3 hours earlier from the the UK and my Mother-in-law's unexpected funeral and wasn't exactly in the best frame of mind to be playing.


I got to use Silerfoxnik's Ampeg rig at a gig he organised on Saturday. Very nice and easy to use. Thanks Nik, v generous. He's a gent, by the way.

Nik and bandmates got us a very comfortable sound from the off. Sorry not to have been able to stick around for later sets, my lift had to whiz off to another gig...

Posted (edited)

Turned into a busier weekend than planned. Friday was one of our regulars, the Nightingale in Sutton. Small locals pub that loves it's music. You're crammed onto a tiny raised bay window area which make it tight to say the least, cab ends up on the floor next to it facing the bar which bounces the sound around a bit. Nevertheless it was as usual a great gig there, if a tad loud!! £110 in the jug on top of our fee made for an even better night.
So myself and my girlie are in the car having a post gig kebab when I notice a message from a good friend and singer that I know. She's asking if I could do the Saturday night with her band as a last minute cancellation had come in. Bounced a few messages to and fro and by about 11am Saturday it was confirmed. I'd only played with her band once before about 5 years ago and it being a lot different to my classic rock band I'd had a good few weeks notice to learn a couple of sets of soul/funk classics. So it's panic mode, still had stuff to do and on the way round I popped back into home to get my Pandora gizmo and headphones. It was an early set up too so my cramming amounted to about an hour before shower time and off we went. The Keller in Bracknell was the venue, massive place but my newish rig (Markbass LM3 and Shroeder 212) was just ticking over. Sound check done and I'm in a small alcove with my headphones going over some of the songs again. Only a 4 piece too as the keys and second singer weren't available. There were very few slightly dicey moments but it went down a storm, many hen and stag parties all getting down to the likes of James Brown, Tina Turner and many other classics. Very proud of myself walking into that on such short notice and it was really nice to play something different. Walked out with a nice payday too!!!
Quiet afternoon down the bingo I reckon!!

Unless anyone needs a dep of course.................

Edited by barneyg42

played to approx 6 people at a very weird place
owners were pie eyed and the chap had a white lizard on his head (really)
barman had no teeth
good payer though, all in all very strange


Had Friday off and then a double header Saturday. An early wedding, which was in a marquee woth torrential rain, thunder and lightening all round. The generator held out and it was all good. Then, a pub we do regularly afterwards, there were two different hen parties out, so it was a bit wild. Loads of singing and dancing though, so great fun!

A good set of gigs, but I'm a gig a night guy nowadays! Back to back in one night is a bit of a slog!


outdoor gig on a bandstand on Saturday. It was OK, not loads of people. I was really impressed with the soundman though. I was chatting to my mate while we watched the band after us and we both agreed it was a great mix, and very refreshing to have it at an appropriate volume. Then some fans of ours came up and said "great set but it wasn't loud enough". I guess this is why every single venue has to have everything too loud - it's what the punters want?


<p>So I did my first gig as a solo artist on Friday (24/06) at the night and day café. It was my first time playing solo in fornt of an audience needless to say it was nerve racking. I sat and listened to the other bands soundcheck and thought I can do this and I did. I fluffed a few times but played through. I didn&#39;t get booed (which was nice). I am feeling really positive now its time to record an EP and promote :D</p>
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