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[quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1469447932' post='3098321']
Friday night excellent, Saturday night not so much.

Saturday night - Engagement party, upstairs in a golf club. Got there for 7, start time 8:30. Basically ignored by the entire room for the whole gig. Then got a message from the girl on Sunday saying she wasn't happy, she didn't think she got 'value for money' from us.

Might have helped if the couple and all of their TOWIE wannabe friends hadn't segregated themselves in one corner of the room (I mean like 20 yards away from ANYONE ELSE) and ignored all of the other people (and the band) who showed up for their party. They were more bothered about having their photos taken / taking selfies than getting on the dance floor and enjoying themselves. Didn't they think that [i]maybe [/i]if they got up and had a bit of a dance, then [i]maybe [/i]their guests [i]might [/i]have joined in and that [i]might [/i]have got it going a bit??

And here's the other thing - No one spoke to any band members on the night about feeling disappointed with any aspect of our performance..we did our full set and played music through the PA whilst packing down, always leaving room for potential dancers (there were no dancers) Which is what was agreed.

Basically their party was rubbish and they chose to blame us. We provided the entertainment, but they chose to not be entertained. What's the old saying? You can lead a horse to water......?

Jesus, I'd have been raging if I got a message like that the next day.


I did a gig for a Scots family - father was a teetotal accountant, it was daughters 21st (at home - big place) - zero booze, zero atmosphere no-one danced & daughter kept coming up demanding we played 'something boppy' - this went on all bloody night.....
in the end I asked said female (who I'm sure was on vodka) to suggest a couple of tunes - blank look - 'well something boppy, you know'
Eventually everyone sulked off, we got paid & left............



I have decided never again to put myself through the suffering of playing to ungrateful monkeys for cash. I have created my 'dis-function band'. We play what we like, don't do it for money, punters can go fk themselves if the don't like it. On the other hand they do like it. How odd.


we had a great weekend , following from the Saturday party , we had a wedding to do on the Sunday , as it was up the coast and paying very well , I booked a room at the posh(ish) hotel and took the family , as did rhythm guitar.
We set up really early , which was just as well as the venue had a stage set up which was far too small, but a chat with the manager and it was all taken away in time ,so we set up on the floor as normal. we pretty much had the day to ourselves and then had the craic with the wedding party as the families were invited in as well .
We had learned 4 new tunes for the couple and the first dance was aerosmith, Dont want to miss a thing , we kept it simple and slowly ramped it up and by the end they were all in a group hug and crying their eyes out , it was an incredible start to a gig. we played for an hour , gave them a good break and smashed it for the rest of the night , lovely couple, superb occasion , superb venue .
I had been looking forward to this weekend all year , and it didn't disappoint , but back to reality , I have a week off work to get busy on building work for my new kitchen extension and August is quiet for the band as the lads tend to use it for family holidays . so its not back to gigs till September 3rd , but that is a quality one so looking forward to that as well !


Our one and only festival appearance for this year was on Sunday at Ware in Herts, Rock in the Priory and it was fun. Extremely well organised and I hope we get to do it again next year.

View from the stage


View from the audience




We played the Convent in Stroud which must be a contendor for the most beautiful, friendly and professional music venue ever.

They even stream the show live with a 5 camera production team. I'm still speechless.


Last night was my brother's wedding at Hever Castle in Kent, my band played and I joined them for one of the medleys; was great to watch them and dance for a change :)

Posted (edited)

We did a cool 3 hour fair gig, 38 Special was the headliner. Real good pay and they set up a table with sandwiches, beer, water and soft drinks for us.

Golf cart escort to the stage, real nice.

I thought we were to loud and not very good. The crowd loved us. My point, just because the crowd loved you doesn't mean you were actually good.


Edited by blue

We played our first ever private party last night, right in the centre of Witney in a family's garden. Went down well, we got paid, fed, and weren't arrested. I also played keyboard bass (synth) for the first time in public after three weeks of teaching myself how to do it. Gave my injured right hand a much-needed rest while doing that.

We're off to the Follyfest in Faringdon tonight, our fourth year of playing there.


I had a guitar gig with The 58 Shakes. My playing time recently has all been bass so looking at 2 sets of rock 'n' roll where I play 85% of the lead was daunting. We haven't had the whole band in the same room for 6 weeks and all of us were saying they were rusty. The first set went well which usually is an omen BUT incredibly the second set was better. And our album is back from pressing. Result!


Played a stonker last night at a great restaurant. Outside as it was very warm. Had them all up going crazy for the last hour and then they wouldn't go home LOL


Had a good gig last night, lots of dancing, re-booked, and got told by the lady in charge of the venue that she will be sending our details to all the other pubs in the chain and recommending they book us! Also first gig with the GK MB Fusion, used my Bongo 4HS into my Big Twin 2 and it sounded monstrous! Got another gig tonight so might give the Warwick Streamer a trial through it tonight. Very happy!


[quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1469549454' post='3099291']

We played the Convent in Stroud which must be a contendor for the most beautiful, friendly and professional music venue ever.

They even stream the show live with a 5 camera production team. I'm still speechless.

Is that a PF50T I see there? How is it working out for you?


Just back from the YNot festival in Derbyshire where my band 5 Hills Out played two sets, one on Saturday afternoon the other early evening today.
We played on two of the smaller stages and had big, responsive audiences for both.
It's just as well it's only a thirty minute drive home. I'm knackered.


Played at Leathered in Lincoln - Halfway Heroes MCC rally - and as expected this was a much more receptive audience than the Hells Angels gig at the same venue a couple of weeks ago. The crowd got more into it as the beers flowed and by the closing tracks (Cowboy Song, Boys Are Back In Town and Whisky The Jar) a good few folks had wandered down to front for a bit of a headbang/boogie! I stopped overnight and watched The Detonators featuring Handwired of this parish - they delivered track after track of rock classics executed superbly.

A top weekend!


A very weird venue in Nottingham - SUMAC Centre. It was like a huge living room. The crowd seemed to love the loud punk bands so I was a bit anxious about us going on with out "folk punk" (I don't hear any punk in our music TBH) but they seemed to love us too! Very, very warm and sweaty. Good fun!


Couple of back to back gigs, Friday was a quiet pub gig. New management there and I think they have lost a few regulars and are building up business again. Those there enjoyed it though. More folks around next night in Nottm city centre pub but technically it was a private party so it was just down to whoever invited turned up (MC club summer party). Could have done with a few more bodies but again we got good feedback from those there. We even filmed some of the gig for a bit of low tech promo. Mic on camera not great so usual semi distorted racket you get from those things but it was just about OK for youtoob. If I can find the appropriate thread I'll post a link.


Just back and chilling with a couple of beers. Eight hours away from home for two 45 minute sets...but it was a good gig and therefore worthwhile. Our most westerly gig yet, between Bristol and Bath, and we're keen to do more.


[quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1470445380' post='3106109']
Just back and chilling with a couple of beers. Eight hours away from home for two 45 minute sets...but it was a good gig and therefore worthwhile. Our most westerly gig yet, between Bristol and Bath, and we're keen to do more.

And I was complaining about a 40 minute drive tonight.



[quote name='blue' timestamp='1470467283' post='3106154']
And I was complaining about a 40 minute drive tonight.


The 90 minute drive home was a good post-gig unwinder. We'd do it again, we had an enthusiastic audience and played well in reaction to that. Still buzzing this morning!

Posted (edited)

Another successful gig last night with 5 Hills Out.
It was at a rural pub in Derbyshire, The Yew Tree in Ednaston, that has a young landlord who is a big music fan.
We picked up a nice follow-on job, a private birthday party for the end of September. Not bad for a folk-punk band playing only originals.
The only downside of the night was that we playing next to the pub's pizza oven. We were all wringing wet by the end.

Edited by Len_derby

OK gig last night, never looked like it was going to be busy (BBQ weather) and you do wonder why some of these out of the way places actually bother putting music on but we gave it our best shot. A few tech glitches with gear in second set (none of mine though) but nothing major, they ended up giving us more than the agreed fee at the end and will give us a repeat booking for next year which was nice. I had played there before with another band playing totally different genre of music but I don't think it was that busy then either. Bit of a break to recharge batteries then a few more higher profile gigs toward end of month.


Had a lovely gig last night at a village pub in north Bedfordshire, we played outdoors on their patio to an appreciative audience and the weather was perfect for it. The band was on form and we had a couple of those rare magic moments where it's like everyone in the band is connected by telepathy and nothing exists apart from the music.

Posted (edited)

I got asked by a singer friend of mine to team up with him to do a short set at a local festival, Chacombury near Banbury yesterday. His regular guitarist is on holiday so he asked if I'd stand in. It's not really my thing, what they do as a duo, but as I owed him a favour and I thought it'd be fun so I agreed. 30 minute set of acoustic covers of Hotel California, Three Little Birds, Sweet Child O' Mine etc, pretty easy stuff but not something I'd usually sign up to play. We were on early afternoon so it was pretty quiet crowd wise but we seemed to go down well enough. I have to admit it's the first gig I've ever done that I didn't really enjoy, and I'm certainly in no hurry to do that kind of thing again. All good experience I suppose.

Edited by PaulGibsonBass

Last night we played at a venue in Reading called RYND. This night had been in the calendar for a while, and then last week the owners announced that they were closing down after the weekend, and so last night's gig actually ended up being a farewell party. Went pretty well, and we finished up with a cover of Rope by the Foo Fighters which we'd only played for the first time that morning. A local promoter came up to us afterwards and said "I've heard it done better... by the Foo Fighters" which was pretty flattering!


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