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[quote name='ianwild16' post='309665' date='Oct 19 2008, 09:26 AM']Fancied a change last night and decided on the spot to use a plectrum all night and change the tone settings on my amp.
Made the gig more interesting...!
I usually use my index and middle fingers to pluck the strings.
I normally have my bass tone set with extra bass and no treble.
Last night turned down the bass and boosted the treble.
I was suprised to find a liked the results, especially when all the band was playing.
I found I could hear myself better.
My plucking hand got a bit tired half way through the 2nd set, but mainly because a couldn't decide if i was going to just use downstrokes, or alternate up & down strokes.

Nobody else in the band noticed a change....![/quote]

Sounds like fun - I love it when you change loads of stuff & think it makes a real difference and no-one else in the band notices a thing :)


Bridge House 2, Canning Town last night at the 'Daggers Punk' evening. Realised it was going to be a tough ask when the audience was largely comprised the mohicans-piercings-studs-and-leather crowd and even tougher after the very tight and rabble-rousing opening act 'Short Bus Window Lickers' whipped them up into a mosh-pit frenzy. What a surprise, we were on second and our slightly quirky blend of melodic surf-and psychobilly-laced punk had them all outside puffing on fags and we played to a half-empty room. I tried out my new Sansamp VT Bass pedal and got a great gritty sound out of it.

Still, good venue (once you know how to find it; its in an industrial estate), nice promoter (his wife made us cracking sausage rolls and baguettes), and we got good feedback from those who did stay to watch us. We may be playing again there in a month's time and I look forward to it.

PS, after us on the bill, Guns On The Roof, were promoting their second album and were as tight as a badger's a*** - I think they could go on to be quite big, a mix between 70s punk and American contemporary punk


[quote name='Clarky' post='310123' date='Oct 19 2008, 11:07 PM']Bridge House 2, Canning Town last night at the 'Daggers Punk' evening.[/quote]

I used to go to The Bridge House in Cannin' Taaahn in the 70's .. I don't suppose it's the same place :)


[quote name='OldGit' post='310126' date='Oct 19 2008, 11:11 PM']I used to go to The Bridge House in Cannin' Taaahn in the 70's .. I don't suppose it's the same place :)[/quote]
According to the website, "the [original] Bridgehouse shut its doors to live music in 1982 and was bulldozed into the ground a couple of years ago".

The BridgeHouse 2 is a pre-fab warehouse-type building on an industrial estate about 5 minutes from Canning Town tube and the idea was to recreate the vibe of the original, at least as far as the music goes (its not as attractive a building, thats for sure!). It has dedicated blues, rock, metal and punk nights.


[quote name='OldGit' post='310113' date='Oct 19 2008, 10:54 PM']The gig itself was good fun. Blowing a fuse on one bank of lights just before we took the stage reminded me of the "I nearly died" thread on here and its talk of us all using the wrong fuses .. ho hmmm ..[/quote]
We were only reminiscing last night about mad things we used to do, which brought up the story of the "tenant over the pub". Used to take in the lights first, rig them and fire them up to blow the fuse so it could be found & replaced with a higher rating - yes I know utterly stupid, but this was years ago, we know a lot better now. So one night this is done & the gig goes ahead. Next day the venue has a problem with its electrics :) calls out the electricity board who, in their investigations, find that the chap renting the flat over the gig has bypassed his meter and is drawing from the venues supply. OOPS!!


[quote name='Clarky' post='310136' date='Oct 19 2008, 11:31 PM']According to the website, "the [original] Bridgehouse shut its doors to live music in 1982 and was bulldozed into the ground a couple of years ago".

The BridgeHouse 2 is a pre-fab warehouse-type building on an industrial estate about 5 minutes from Canning Town tube and the idea was to recreate the vibe of the original, at least as far as the music goes (its not as attractive a building, thats for sure!). It has dedicated blues, rock, metal and punk nights.[/quote]

ha ha ta .. I'll add that to the long list of places I've played that have been subsequently bulldozed :)


Well, this was my gig today - for charidee. Better than sitting at home and emailing/calling agents.

You might recognise that bloke with the white tie BTW.


[quote name='Crazykiwi' post='310852' date='Oct 20 2008, 10:33 PM']Well, this was my gig today - for charidee. Better than sitting at home and emailing/calling agents.

You might recognise that bloke with the white tie BTW.[/quote]

Nope .. Nice hat though Steve :)


I put this in the 'weddings' thread but thought I'd post it here too as it was a bit of a giggle....

The (wedding) audience were wasted by the time we started at 8pm. First set (1hr) went down very well and we were well up for the 2nd set (10pm-midnight).
By the time we came on for the 2nd set it was carnage. We had to stop 3 times for smashed glasses to be cleared from the dancefloor and they destroyed some light fittings. There was a two-foot inflatable c*ck doing the rounds as well.

I caught sight of one woman and instantly thought 'this is bad news'. She made her way, mid-song, over the monitors, past/through the singer and guitarist, to me standing at the back. She fixed me with a 1000 yard stare and asked.....

"Do you know the theme from Baywatch?"

Dear me!?!?! :) There's been some odd requests in my time, but that took the biscuit.

There was just time to include some posh totty dry humping the speaker stacks to 'I bet you look good on t'dancefloor' (who undoubtedly are still profoundly deaf from the experience) to round off a smashing evening.

We then played lime golf 'til 3am and went to bed.


[quote name='OldGit' post='310867' date='Oct 20 2008, 10:52 PM']Nope[/quote]
I'm not surprised, you're probably working most Saturday nights instead of [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/strictlycomedancing/about/judges.shtml"]watching BBC1 [/url]:)

[quote name='OldGit' post='310867' date='Oct 20 2008, 10:52 PM']Nice hat though Steve :huh:[/quote]
Re: hat, hey gotta maintain the bass playing tradition :huh:

[quote name='coasterbass' post='310994' date='Oct 21 2008, 08:44 AM']I put this in the 'weddings' thread but thought I'd post it here too as it was a bit of a giggle....

The (wedding) audience were wasted by the time we started at 8pm. First set (1hr) went down very well and we were well up for the 2nd set (10pm-midnight).
By the time we came on for the 2nd set it was carnage. We had to stop 3 times for smashed glasses to be cleared from the dancefloor and they destroyed some light fittings. There was a two-foot inflatable c*ck doing the rounds as well.

There was just time to include some posh totty dry humping the speaker stacks to 'I bet you look good on t'dancefloor' (who undoubtedly are still profoundly deaf from the experience) to round off a smashing evening.[/quote]
Nnnnnnnnnice. At least they didn't invade the stage and wrestle a mic off one of the singers for their own improvised karaoke night...


[quote name='Crazykiwi' post='311012' date='Oct 21 2008, 08:58 AM']I'm not surprised, you're probably working most Saturday nights instead of [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/strictlycomedancing/about/judges.shtml"]watching BBC1 [/url]:)[/quote]

I try not to watch Saturday night telly, even if I'm in ..
So which of those sad losers trying to give their tired and dying career a boost was it?

Posted (edited)

Played at the Jazz CLub in Reading this evening and had a complete shocker.

First off my bass decided it was going to develop an intermittent fault with it's electronics rendering it completely unusable, meaning that the keyboard player had to rush home to grab his bass for me to borrow (I only have the one) which meant no soundcheck.

Gig sound was diabolical all I could hear was the guitarist's oversized marshall stack cos it was about 3inches from my right ear, and I've discovered that I do not get on with Jazz basses at all!!! I had about 30 secs to get used to the bass before our set :) - but despite all of this we didn't play too badly.

All in all todays been the worst day I've had for a long time - Not just because the gig wasn't fun but for a whole heap of other reasons as well.

Great venue though. Load in etc. easy, reasonable PA and great atmosphere. Not really suitable for loud rock bands though!!!

Edited by lateralus462

How was it? Bloody bizarre, that's how.

New gig on a recommendation in Fareham. Should have checked it out, but hadn't as it's a long old trek for all of us. So #2 guitarist & I turn up and it is a right old spit & sawdust place and quite small. Van turns up with the PA and there was some discussion outside as to whether the rig could be cut, but no and sound guy didn't want to leave gear in the van. So the load in started. I was expecting a fit as it went in, but they took it in their stride (mind you I chickened out and stayed in the van getting stuff to the door & to keep an eye on it :huh: )

Left my rack & stand in the car so #2 guitarist could stack his Boogie combo on top of my MB combo to save space. Didn't think I would need the IEM (though they are nice to have and I am used to having them now so do miss them when not there) and the transmitter is in my rack so had to rely on what I could get from the PA (not as much as I had hoped it turned out but never mind).

Next "problem" was that we played across the back wall of the pub in which, on my side of the "stage", was the door to the loos & smoking area. There was no way one side of the PA could be moved in to create a pathway to the door so Mike & I had not only to fit ourselves into space for one, but also spend all night dodging a pretty much constant stream of punters going for a fag, coming back from a fag, going to the loo & coming back from the loo. I could tell the returnees by the blast of cold air on my back when they came back in and then hovered waiting for me to get off the mike to get back through. Lead to more than one alien abduction moment where the distraction left one or other of us lost, and at one point for a 5 piece band I think there were upwards of 5 extra bodies milling amongst us heading in one direction or the other.

Oh yes, then there was the senile black Labrador that wandered around all night, dragged one of Mike's bags onto the floor to either shag or use as a pillow (we weren't too sure which), then ambled into Max's corner to investigate, and then slowly walked back across the pedalboard while Max was using it. At least he didn't cock a leg on a cab, or drop a log, which looked on the cards at times

Generally the night (otherwise) went OK, with the crowd up dancing & singing most of the second set. Encores were done & the landlady was pleased with the night and wants us back (heaven help us). Plenty of flyers went as well with promises to come to other gigs and I did see a few faces I have seen at other gigs in tonight.

Most bizarre point of the night? How to choose, but probably the youngish (they all look young to me :huh:) metal fan who was pissed when we arrived and got more so as the night progressed. I looked over during the second set and he had dozed off with his head resting on the shoulder of one of our regulars who was sat looking a tad bemused. We finished and while we were packing up he came too (just), stood up, staggered over to the fruit machine, flopped his dick out & took a piss against the machine, then collapsed back where he had been snoozing and went back to sleep. Rest of the pub, including the landlady didn't turn a hair :) and when we left he was still asleep in the corner and probably going to be left there for the night.

We really do play the most salubrious places doncha know!! :huh:


[quote name='OldGit' post='311116' date='Oct 21 2008, 10:46 AM']I try not to watch Saturday night telly, even if I'm in ..
So which of those sad losers trying to give their tired and dying career a boost was it?[/quote]
Craig Revel Horwood, his career is still in the ascendency I believe, though.

[quote name='WalMan' post='314325' date='Oct 25 2008, 02:40 AM']How was it? Bloody bizarre, that's how.

New gig on a recommendation in Fareham. Should have checked it out, but hadn't as it's a long old trek for all of us.

...Most bizarre point of the night? How to choose, but probably the youngish (they all look young to me :huh:) metal fan who was pissed when we arrived and got more so as the night progressed. I looked over during the second set and he had dozed off with his head resting on the shoulder of one of our regulars who was sat looking a tad bemused. We finished and while we were packing up he came too (just), stood up, staggered over to the fruit machine, flopped his dick out & took a piss against the machine, then collapsed back where he had been snoozing and went back to sleep. Rest of the pub, including the landlady didn't turn a hair :) and when we left he was still asleep in the corner and probably going to be left there for the night.[/quote]
I was born at Blackbrook Maternity hospital in Fareham. I grew up in Warsash too so know the Portsmouth-Soton area like the proverbial back of my hand. Some rough Gosportish parts in Fareham if you aren't too choosy because of the MOD's presence.


[quote name='Crazykiwi' post='314340' date='Oct 25 2008, 08:27 AM']I was born at Blackbrook Maternity hospital in Fareham. I grew up in Warsash too so know the Portsmouth-Soton area like the proverbial back of my hand. Some rough Gosportish parts in Fareham if you aren't too choosy because of the MOD's presence.[/quote]
Don't I know it :) That said they are always good crowds willing to get into it, not cliquey sods who stand and sneer and wouldn't know how to have a good time if it bit them on the backside.


Omg the band had there best performance ever on thursday evening...
it was also my first live performance with the new bass...

i started by playing chasing cars acuosticly and singing it, then the rest of the band got up and we blew the place apart with our rendition of monster with my younger brother playing lead on a borrowed yet still gorgeous golden les paul,

and then we played a beautiful rendition of all right now by free, nailed the solo and left with a massive grin on my face...

all in all a good night...


[quote name='MacDaddy' post='310111' date='Oct 19 2008, 10:52 PM']Belted out our usual medley of old school heavy metal and covers of Iron Maiden, Accept, and Venom. Went down well :)[/quote]
Triffic - keeping it real for the kids - lucky man. Cronos rocks and Peter Baltes will answer myspace messages, by the way.


Dear all,

I've only just come back to Basschat after a couple of months away due to various reasons, so this story is not about last night, but rather a couple of months ago. I thought it might be worth sharing anyway.

We showed up at Jazz After Dark in Soho one Saturday night for a gig that had been booked for ages. When we get there, we are told the venue is booked for a "private function". Affter a few minutes of excited whispering, it turns out it has been booked for Amy Winehouse's birthday party.

As we start to set our gear up, another band shows up. Bearing in mind this venue is smaller than your average home's lounge and dining room, it starts to get a bit tense when they start moving our gear off stage. The bar owner, who didn't know they were coming and was presuming we'd still play, tells us they are a young group of 14-17 year olds who Amy either knows or is related to, playing skiffle and rock and roll.

Apparently the deal is that when Amy shows up, they will play for about 30-40 mins and then we will do the rest of the night. We usually play 10-30pm-2.30am with breaks, so we think, ok, just lost one set.

So the party begins and we stand outside, waiting for Amy to show, mingling with the paparazzi who've obviously been tipped off. Up shows Mark Ronson and Adele, and a few other people that prompt photographs (but no one I know).

An hour or so goes by, so the bar manager starts pleading with the guy "organizing" the party to let us go on. Apparently they won't let him serve drinks til she arrives, so he is not happy about losing possible bar revenue. Mark Ronson overhears the commotion and even says "let the musos play" while looking at us. But no dice with this organiser fellow. The main issue is around drumkit. They are only using a snare and cymbal, but have filled the stage so much that even the venue' small jazz kit won't fit in its place so we can't play around their gear.

It gets to 1am, and no Amy. Mark Ronson gets sick and starts messing about on their keyboard. Their guitarist (17 yr old lad) starts playing the snare and cymbal. Next thing I hear I'm being told "they need a bass player" so I run up and grab their old upright. We end up jamming "Bare Neccessites" and all sorts! In the end, most of their and most of our band get up and do this kind of extended blues jam. The whole thing lasts about an hour before we get told "You have to get off! Amy is nearly here and the skiffle band has to be ready to play the minute she walks in the door!"

We all dutifully put the intruments down and go back outside. At this point I feel really guilty. I thought the upright was being played by the dad of the band, but turns out it's a 14 year old girl. I told her she should have come over and kicked me off, but I think she was cool with me. I hate to be an overbearing "watch this son and learn something" kind of adult, especially as most kids can probably play better than me!

Suffice to say, Amy never shows, we never play. We do get paid, but we're still unhappy - especially the drummer who didn't even get to take his coat off and who'd rushed his DIY work to get there.

Good points:

We get to jam with Mark Ronson in the presence of Adele (is that REALLY something to be proud of?)

Bad Points:

1. I'm jamming on an upright that is knackered, can't be heard and is set up for a 14-year old girl. It appears to have black nylon strings on it.
2. We're jamming, not playing the sets we know. We normally play stuff in a similar vein to what Mark currently produces, so it would have been nice to get some backstage party gigs off him!
3. We get grumpy and f**k off, only to read in the papers on Monday that Mark Ronson invited everyone back to his plush hotel suite for a party afterwards. Gutted!

Anyway, that' my story, believe it or not.

I thank you.


[quote name='Huge Hands' post='314538' date='Oct 25 2008, 02:06 PM']As we start to set our gear up, another band shows up. Bearing in mind this venue is smaller than your average home's lounge and dining room, it starts to get a bit tense when they start moving our gear off stage. The bar owner, who didn't know they were coming and was presuming we'd still play, tells us they are a young group of 14-17 year olds who Amy either knows or is related to, playing skiffle and rock and roll.[/quote]

That'll be Kitty, Daisy and Lewis, then? Sounds like a truly annoying masterwork of mis-management from this organiser. At least you got paid, but shame about missing the party. :)


First gig in a new three piece last night, must have been 15 people in at the most !
Only the fourth week the owners have tried live music , used my Markbass CMD 121P with my 88 warwick streamer, sound was Excellent and never got above 2 volume wise sounded nice on our acoustic set.
Home for 1 o'clock paid ,bass and amp in a taxi ! :) Jonathan Ross and a couple of guinness NICE !


Tiny pub, but a great gig, good crowd and really up for it. Pity about the pic taken on a phone. Best gig in a while last night. Fiday night we'd played to a crowd of heavy rockers (we're not heavy rock), but they clapped politely bless 'em.

Played the Water Rats.

Meant to be 4 bands on the bill, got there and it turned out there were 7.

Arrived 2 and a half hours early for sound check. Waited around to be told we wouldn't have time for sound check (everyone else got one).

Got on, quick line check, plating through the Behringer house bass amp. Never played through anything so bad and quiet. Could not hear myself in the slightest.

Gig went pretty well, we're getting used to playing without a soundcheck. Bought about 100 people with us which was good.


Two very different gigs Friday and Saturday - Friday was with[url="http://www.panicroom.org.uk"] Panic Room[/url] in the Little Civic, Wolverhampton. Lovely venue although the narrow but deep stage meant I was wedged between the back of the guitarist's 4x12 and the side of the drum monitor - low end boominess galore!

A great gig though despite me being ill and our drummer's MP3 player being nicked from backstage :)

Last night was a wedding near Bridgend - usual function type gig really although made funnier by the singer who introduced himself to the band as a "vocal entertainer" ( never a good sign!) and played some wonderfully timeless tambourine.

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