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[quote name='Tony p' timestamp='1508167056' post='3390195']
I saw the photos of that on fb, looked good. Our maty popped up again to bang his bin lid, I take it you managed to keep him off your stage this time.... ;)

Hah, I don't know who managed to keep him off stage for our set... perhaps it was the buffet :)


Friday night was a first for us in a new place, plus our first with dep drummer no 1 of 4 that will be covering us till our next permanent drummer has been found.

The stage was tiny but we squeezed us all in. Great sound and dep drummer was much better than our last guy so we all played better as a result. Not the busiest of places but I was enjoying the playing side of it too much to care. Had some nice comments from some punters including the "I'm a record producer and really like your bass playing and could do with using you on some tracks. Have you got a card or can I take your number?" gag.
I said..
"Hmmm........yeah.....right....erm ......just going to get a drink...I'll be right back" and then he was gone.
Still must of made a good impression for him feel he had to make all that up.
Probably find out later he wasn't joking in some interview " yeah so I made the offer but he looked at me like I was bullshitting and f***ed off so I just thought , I'll use Pino like I usually do ect ect.."

T'was a good night

Posted (edited)

Some shithole in Barnsley.

Had to fight my way past various pissed up throwbacks up a flight of stairs , lent on a handrail to help me up the last bit to find it covered in gob. Nice. Went to the traps to wash it off and was accosted by a dude wanting to spray me in scent for two quid. f***ed him off and finally got to set up my new Peavey/Barefaced kit. First time out. Well pleased with the punch from the cab and grateful that somebody's finally decided to build tuners into amps.

No proper cask beer - just bottles of 'craft beer' which is trendy speak for overpriced toss in too small a bottle - which I had to queue up for. Don't these peasants know who I am ?

Got heckled by some walking tattoo and retorted with 'Look arsehole , I'm at work here , do I come into your workplace and tell you how to flip burgers ?'.

Had some sour faced slapper who was obviously no stranger to the chip shop try to sing 'Living on a prayer' with me but she got narky when I went into 'Gina shaves vagina all day' and fell down the stage steps on her way off which was the highlight of the night.

We went down well , I presume because we were holding guitars so the pointy end went towards the ceiling which seemed to be all that was required to entertain the local worthys.

All in all - a fairly regular evening for us these days , sadly. Gigs round our way being not what they once were. But I came home richer while the punters went home poorer so job done.

Edited by Dr.Dave

Had two last weekend, both went pretty well; Friday was a dep with a hard rock band, Saturday a 70th birthday with the main function act.

On Friday, I had someone want to compliment me, but didn't have the musical vocabulary to do so, it was so nice that he wanted do so but I felt bad for him that he was stumbling over what he was saying - "I really liked how you played all the differnt notes". He also clocked that I play a five string and was genuinely interested as to why I play that instead of a four - nice bloke.


100 Club last night. Wasn't keen to do the "sell 40 tickets & get a couple of £ back" concept, but the night was really positive. Made some good new friends, promoter likes us, and it was great playing in an iconic venue with full payment and a great soundman.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1507337216' post='3384896']
Not long back from another Friday night gig. Much better than last Friday, but not as good as last Saturday. I was feeling very tired, and the heat in the pub didn't help, and for some reason I had decided to use a Precision for the first set and a Thunderbird for the second. Despite my years of playing Ps, I knew it was a mistake from the first song, so glad to change in the break. I started the second set with next to no sound, until I discovered that I'd plugged into the active socket on the amp instead of the passive! All went smoothly once that was sorted.

Not so many people there as the last couple of times we've payed the venue, but the landlord was happy and wants us back in the new year.

We had 3 weekends of good gigs with nice respectable size crowds, good attendance.

However, last Saturday for some reason we didn't have as many people show up as I would have expected.

We usually do well at this particular bar. I have no idea what happened. There was a big University of Wisconsin football game that night but I'm not sure that was the reason for the poor turn out


Edited by blue

Just back from a mid week gig in Oxford. Fourth time at this venue this year, and by far the biggest audience. Lots of people dancing, very uplifting gig.

I played my new Fender Classic 50s Precision, through an Ashdown Rootmaster 800 and Super Compact - and it sounded epic! Also tried finger style for the first time in nearly two years, after a motorcycle accident left my right hand damaged. I tried using the knuckle joints with the hand flat on the bass rather than having my hand at almost right angles to the string and using the finger/hand joint. Amazingly, it works and I got through the entire gig without a pick! So much easier to control my sound.

So, a significant step for me tonight.


[quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1508456368' post='3392395']
Just back from a mid week gig in Oxford. Fourth time at this venue this year, and by far the biggest audience. Lots of people dancing, very uplifting gig.

I played my new Fender Classic 50s Precision, through an Ashdown Rootmaster 800 and Super Compact - and it sounded epic! Also tried finger style for the first time in nearly two years, after a motorcycle accident left my right hand damaged. I tried using the knuckle joints with the hand flat on the bass rather than having my hand at almost right angles to the string and using the finger/hand joint. Amazingly, it works and I got through the entire gig without a pick! So much easier to control my sound.

So, a significant step for me tonight.

Well done on both respects there FinnDave.

Glad the new P did the job nicely, and good news about the fingerstyle. Sounds like real progress!


Great gig last night , about 40 people in a small village social club, by the end of the evening there seemed to be a competition as to who could dance on the highest piece of furniture ! Snooker table , pool table, normal tables even the shelf that runs behind the bench seats , return booking and the prospect of 2 parties .
We played quite well and the FOH sound was good , but both the monitors packed up and we had utilise a little powered speaker from the venue for the drummist to hear the vocal.


[quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1508538722' post='3392907']
Well done on both respects there FinnDave.

Glad the new P did the job nicely, and good news about the fingerstyle. Sounds like real progress!

Thanks, it felt/feels like real progress after 2 years of being unable to play as I used to.


Great gig last night at one of our favourite venues, marred only by an early technical issue with what seemed to be a dodgy, solderless lead that I couldn't fix. Turns out I had the volume on my bass turned down :facepalm: Rookie error.


Last night was a first. I had one bloke complain about the volume before I'd even taken my jacket off. The reason being, we've got "big speakers" and apparently they "look loud". :huh: I wasn't going to argue with him. He was Very Big Indeed and littered with EDL tattoos.
Thanks to two gigs in two days, I suffered catastrophic callous failure. Blood on the strings. Ouch.


[quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1508456368' post='3392395']
Just back from a mid week gig in Oxford. Fourth time at this venue this year, and by far the biggest audience. Lots of people dancing, very uplifting gig.

I played my new Fender Classic 50s Precision, through an Ashdown Rootmaster 800 and Super Compact - and it sounded epic! Also tried finger style for the first time in nearly two years, after a motorcycle accident left my right hand damaged. I tried using the knuckle joints with the hand flat on the bass rather than having my hand at almost right angles to the string and using the finger/hand joint. Amazingly, it works and I got through the entire gig without a pick! So much easier to control my sound.

So, a significant step for me tonight.

Great to hear! Both on the Classic 50s Precision (I haven't gigged with mine in a while and your thread made me start playing it at home again... I should bring her out soon!), but also and more especially on the playing progress after your accident. I have never been in a situation where my playing would be compromised due to injury, but I know it would affect me a lot, I derive a lot of joy from playing bass... so it's great to hear that you're continuing to find ways to adapt. :)


[quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1508456368' post='3392395']
Just back from a mid week gig in Oxford. Fourth time at this venue this year, and by far the biggest audience. Lots of people dancing, very uplifting gig.

I played my new Fender Classic 50s Precision, through an Ashdown Rootmaster 800 and Super Compact - and it sounded epic! Also tried finger style for the first time in nearly two years, after a motorcycle accident left my right hand damaged. I tried using the knuckle joints with the hand flat on the bass rather than having my hand at almost right angles to the string and using the finger/hand joint. Amazingly, it works and I got through the entire gig without a pick! So much easier to control my sound.

So, a significant step for me tonight.

Great to hear! Both on the Classic 50s Precision (I haven't gigged with mine in a while and your thread made me start playing it at home again... I should bring her out soon!), but also and more especially on the playing progress after your accident. I have never been in a situation where my playing would be compromised due to injury, but I know it would affect me a lot, I derive a lot of joy from playing bass... so it's great to hear that you're continuing to find ways to adapt. :)


and as much joy as I derive from playing...

one word: Drunks.

I detest drunks who lose their senses. Which is a tough one when I spend so much time playing to people who get a bit drunk :lol: but most are ok. However, from time to time, the annoying drunk is inflicted upon me.

Yesterday, it was two drunks. Loading the van. The two drunks go to cross the street between our van and the car parked behind. They see the back doors open and one of them dives in and grabs a case (a sax, it happened to be). I was right there... so I took it from him and pushed him away while yelling at him. Then the stupid conversation starts with them "not meaning anything"... I just want them gone. So I very clearly state my position. They insist in talking bullshit, so I push BOTH of them back. They don't like it. They keep trying to talk. I keep telling them to go away and don't come closer. By this time band is behind me. One guy gets a little aggressive so I drop my bass and take off my jacket and I tell him if he gets closer to me I'll feel threatened and assume he intends to harm me and I will hit first to defend myself. That's a very clear warning and seems to do the trick. For a bit. He goes away. He comes back... I'm getting really pissed off, I have no time for this crap, it's almost 3.30am. He came closer again and I almost hit him, I visualised where and how I was going to hit him, but fortunately I kept some sense and just pushed him away again (he was that close)... I really do not want to be seen as the aggressor if it comes to that and he was not really being dangerous, he was too drunk for that... but he was not drunk enough to not be a royal pain in the arse. Drummer and trombone guy get in, and a random passer by who saw the thing from the beginning, a big guy... together we seem to convince them to walk away and not come back.

Why? What makes anyone behave that way?
The amount of bullshit they'd talk... uff... I saw you getting into the van and grabbing one of our cases: there's nothing you can say to convince me that it was an accident or that you meant well. I give you a chance to walk away before getting hurt... and you still want to argue with me that you didn't mean anything, and get upset because I'm swearing at you to get you OUT of my space?
I've been drunk MANY times, but I have never behaved in such a way. Alcohol is not the root cause of the behaviour, I'm convinced, it merely amplifies idiots' ability to show their true colours.


Still... it didn't entirely destroy the night for me. I had two gigs with the same band, a single set at 9.30pm, at a local fest in town, and then another between 00.30-3am. The first one was a bit quiet... but we had fun and was a great warm up... the second one was a blast. The place was packed and the atmosphere was fantastic. This was with Urang Matang (ska/reggae) and it's probably the most fun gig I've had in the past year... a couple of idiots afterwards will not spoil it for me. :)


My last gig as the stand-in bassist as they've now found a permanent player. Well I had a good night, thinking at times "I won't have to play Footloose again" and then some oik thinks he can grab my tambourine off my mic stand and wander off shaking it! Not even in any sort of rhythm.

My missus who was present to witness my last night with them, went after said oik and with some help did retrieve it. We put it back on top of my amp this time to prevent anyone else having the same thought.

But the neat thing is that all of the guys in the band thanked me for the 6 months of work in getting up to speed with their set list and learning with minimum rehearsal time so their band could keep some gigs they'd organised before forced personnel change.


Last night was a bit bizarre - a fundraiser for a dog rescue, I played in 3 bands, none of them on bass. I played guitar in a country quartet, a blues trio and a rock n' roll quintet. Weird,but fun.......



Our Mod band had a brilliant gig last night supporting Secret Affair at The Hub in Plymouth.
Our normal pub set is mainly covers with a few originals thrown in, but last night we decided to do a full set of originals. Chatting in the bar area to people before the gig we found out that quite a number had come early to especially see us as they had "heard good things" on the scene, so we were a little nervous as due to the drummers mum being ill and passing away last week, and the guitarists young daughter being hospitalised and diagnosed with a rare life changing condition, we had missed lots of rehearsal time.
We had a blast and needn't have worried as we got a lot of positive feedback after the gig on our own material.
Secret Affair were ace and were really nice to us after the gig, making time to chat backstage and thank us and give encouragement.
All in all a very successful night.


Played on Friday, was more of a practice with a film crew and friends and family.

Ironing a few set list niggles.

And the PA sounds great, half Yamaha, half HK Audio.

Very cool.


Friday was my last in a short run of deps for a heavy rock covers band as they've found a long term replacement for their last guy now.

It was a lot of fun playing with them and the singer from my main band dropped in for a bit and managed to get some video

No One Knows



In Isolation played in at Wharf Chambers in Leeds as part of the Goth City event on Saturday.

My second gig with the band and the first running the backing from my MacBook rather than their ancient and badly ageing Minidisc player. Everything went well and we were on the bill late enough in the evening to attract a decent size audience. One small hiccup with setting up, I had to go through every permutation of leads and DI boxes in the backing part of the rig before the PA guy would acknowledge that it was one of his XLR leads that was dodgy and not any part of our set up. Why is that?

I'll post some photos if I can find any decent ones, but the few I've seen have the band almost completely obscured by smoke/dry ice...


Not long back from the Wirebirds Halloween gig for the year. In Swindon again, in contrast to last year, this one had a very good turn out, lots of audience participation (I had to remove our guitarist's Strap from a punter's hands at one point) but a lot of fun. I played my new Classic 50s Precision for the first set, and my old faithful white US standard P for the second. The classic hasn't been set up properly yet, so after 50 mins playing my left hand welcomed the change. They were played through an Ashdown Rootmaster 80 evo and Barefaced Super Twin - a lovely combination. I was asked to judge the fancy dress comp which was a bit of fun as well!


Just got back from a 9 band all-day gig in Kent (Isle of Sheppey). We got there at 5:45ish, so saw 5 of the other bands. Was good, all bands played well. The provided rig was an Orange Terror into a Markbass 410. A variety of different basses used over the evening, including a Thunderbird, Precision and Rickenbacker Cheyenne, all sounded great through the rig.

Only downside imo was that for some reason the bass was DI`d, the drums were miked, but the guitars weren`t, so every band was guitar-deficient. That was the way the soundman ran it, and the promoter and landlord were happy with it like that, so not for me to complain, just seemed a tad strange.

But re the playing, well we did our usual thing, and people enjoyed it, first time we`ve been down that way and a few people mentioned that they were glad we`d finally made it to that area, and afterwards still expressed they were glad, which was nice.

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