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How was your gig last night?


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Band: Pop Rock Riot

Gear: G&L SB2. Shure Wireless, HX Stomp. Senneheiser EW and Shure SE215.


We played a gig in Sunderland on Friday (so I'm a day late, sorry) that was a mixed bag. It transpired that the venue never puts bands on on a Friday, Friday is karaoke night. But the karaoke person had cancelled so they shoved a band on anyway. All the locals showed up expecting the karaoke, and then most of them left again when they realised the bait and switch. This, mixed with the fact that Sunderland had Cubix festival last weekend and Monument Festival this weekend, meant that revelers were in very, very short supply. Oh dear.


Anyway, those that were there loved us and we got a chance to try out some new songs live for the first time in a safe space.



Edited by Jack
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The Cantina Band's tour of The Vaults in Knowle continued at The Vaults in Knowle. Again.

Dep drummer (the chap from my other band) as our usual dep drummer had got his dates wrong and is in the USA (He's from Wisconsin, which he'll mention if you hang around with him for more than about 14 yottoseconds).

We had a rehearsal with him (the chap doing the gig, not the chap who's in America) and he'd really done his homework and had nailed 99.9% of the set, so no worries on that front. (In fact, he knew the stuff better than the rest of the band - they/we're not really known for their/our meticulous preperation.)

Load in is a good one, parking right behind the stage (I say 'stage'... I mean the corner between the toilets and the fire escape), set up was the usual, bit of good-natured piss-takery, catching up and gossip swapping.

Not many in there when we kicked off, the singer and guitarist had brought their partners (both lovely) and a few mates (quality levels: various), so enough to make it worthwhile.

I was presented with a (belated) birthday cake, a (belated) birthday badge (which everyone insisted I wear for the whole gig) and a rendition of Happy Birthday (belated) after song 2 (the second song in the set, not Song 2 by Blur, which we don't do (we should, actually)) which was as thoughtful as it was unexpected.

First set was good, drummer smashed it. We play more poppy stuff in the other band, so it was nice to hear him giving the heavy rock stuff a good spanking.

It was incredibly hot and sweaty, which is sort of what you want at a rock gig in a pub I suppose.

Quick vape at half time, back into the second set which was also pretty good - the stuff we play (Ramones, Sex Pistols, Sabbath, Motorhead, Metallica, McFly* - all the big names in Rock/Metal) isn't for everyone... those that like it tend to REALLY like it and those that don't tend to sit at the bar and ignore us.

A few young people appeared when we finished with Sex on fire and Brightside and filled up the Dancefloor (I say 'Dancefloor'... I mean the bit of sticky carpet next to the the corner between the toilets and the fire escape) so I went and joined them for a wireless boogie, which is always a laugh. They shouted for one more so we punished them with Enter Sandman, a guaranteed Dancefloor-emptier.

EBMM Sterling -> Small board (EHX Tuner -> EHX Bass Soul Food -> Hookers Green Bass Machine -> MXR Bass chorus deluxe) -> MB CMD 121

The landlady loves us for some reason, we're back there a few times over the next couple of months.

Paid, packed up, loaded out, home about half midnight for cold pizza remnants and a bottle of old father StingRayBoy's whiskey cider (ABV unknown but it certainly packs a decent wallop).




* We had to learn a McFly song (Five colours in her hair) for a wedding we did, and we all decided we secretly quite like it, so we kept it in the set.

Edited by StingRayBoy42
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On 20/07/2024 at 10:02, dmccombe7 said:

Any pics of you with the basses or even just some of your basses ?



I started a fresh thread rather than clutter up the how was your gig thread , here’s many but not all , the Gretsch pair are still missing. And several others , but it’s a good selection of the stuff I’ve dragged home. Thankfully Herself looks upon most instruments as art , but she’s not crazy about speaker cabinets.


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On 20/07/2024 at 09:50, Simon C said:

I was away from this thread for a while trying to keep up with, and occasionally contribute to, the UK General Election thread - I've now recovered sufficiently to start re-engaging with the Bass Chat bit of Basschat😀 .


Also I found the first night at the new Jam Night venue a little underwhelming, so wasn't inspired to write anything about it.  It didn't have the same "good live music" feel as the previous venue and several of the better bands didn't turn up.  This month's was better - the atmosphere wasn't back to the previous venue's but the bands turned up.  Except mine, so I talked a couple of members of the host band into playing with me and a new bloke on the guitar joined us.  People sang along to our set, so I guess we made a good call on the songs and I felt we played them pretty well.  Here is our version of "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" by the Georgia Satellites - a bit of a one hit wonder and I suspect not that well known in the UK - do any of your bands play it?



Nice groove. You guys didn't lose a beat. 



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4 hours ago, Jack said:

Band: Pop Rock Riot

Gear: G&L SB2. Shure Wireless, HX Stomp. Senneheiser EW and Shure SE215.


We played a gig in Sunderland on Friday (so I'm a day late, sorry) that was a mixed bag. It transpired that the venue never puts bands on on a Friday, Friday is karaoke night. But the karaoke person had cancelled so they shoved a band on anyway. All the locals showed up expecting the karaoke, and then most of them left again when they realised the bait and switch. This, mixed with the fact that Sunderland had Cubix festival last weekend and Monument Festival this weekend, meant that revelers were in very, very short supply. Oh dear.


Anyway, those that were there loved us and we got a chance to try out some new songs live for the first time in a safe space.





Nice job. Looked like a fun gig.



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2 hours ago, StingRayBoy42 said:


 (I say 'stage'... I mean the corner between the toilets and the fire escape) 🤣


 (I say 'Dancefloor'... I mean the bit of sticky carpet next to the the corner between the toilets and the fire escape) 🤣🤣



Double lols 😂 😂 

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Played at a private party at a friend of our singer/guitarist, who has a house with a garden that runs down to the Thames and it's own private island. Every year, he has a mini festival over a summer weekend, inviting friends and neighbours , of which he has lots  ( inviting the neighbours gets around the noise problems, but the pub next door complains if they play after 11pm, ironically )

"Stage" is on a patio, that normally has a sail cover over it, but as it was a beautiful evening, and we were on first, it hadn't been rigged. Amp was basically in the flowerbed to give me room to stand. Played a hour plus set, split in half by some great homemade curry being served.  Lots of dancing and good feedback from the small but lively crowd. Mrs B enjoyed being pampered. I think there are about 6 more bands over 3 nights in total. Lovely, generous people.




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Final gig done in a busy weekend. Tortworth Hall, Gloucestershire. Massive hotel, very nice. The family are repeat clients and have booked us before for other weddings/ birthdays. The function room there is pretty large and has just enough room on stage for an 8 piece band. 

The event definitely felt like a Sunday gig, and it took a while for everyone to swop modes from lounging around the gardens with nice food into party time- we played their first (Bless The Broken Road) and most people headed for the fresh air immediately after. Had the first choice lineup though and by the time the second half started we had them partying. So glad this is the first day of the holiday for me, knackered this morning but just love playing.


Incidentally, a very nice Dino in the car park, as well as us muppets.



Edited by scalpy
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It felt like a contractual obligation but the other half of my goth duo wanted us to play his street party. All the questions that one might have from that sentence ran around my head, and the bar was set low in my mind. I made the online promo very self mocking and tongue-in-cheek BUT as is often the way with these things, it was actually much better than anyone could have anticipated. I played bass, mandolin, mandocello, sang and played guitar. Having taken a back step from live work to write / record, it was nice just to be out in public again. And the weather was lovely... not at all phased when we burst into our rendition of The Cult's "Rain" towards the end. 



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Last month's jam had 4 bassists and 0 guitarists.
"Aha!" I thought, "this could be a great opportunity to learn the head for a favourite piece on guitar and call it at July's jam, particularly as one of the other bassists likes it."

This time, we had 1 bassist (me) and 1 guitarist. Maybe next time...
We did just about manage to get through Gichi though, which was nice.

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Satdy was a Private Do booked via an agency. Company Summer Party, early start (6:30), early finish (2x45s), we got there to catering, bouncy castle, face painting for the plethora of kids still there when we arrived, etc, etc. What the agent had neglected to mention was the 150yd schlep of all the gear from the car park (in some faceless industrial estate Stockport way) at the front of the buildings all the way round and down to the bottom of the grounds. BL didn't bring anything with wheels on it (other than the van), so it was a PITA just getting the gear to the stage.


Mostly indifferent crowd, more focused on hitting the free bar (cans and bottles, mostly lukewarm) and getting their kids back home, plus the rain about half time didn't help. Despite the lack of crowd enthusiasm or engagment, the organiser said 'You're the best band we've ever had', so I told the BL to take note and put the price up for next time. Small stage under an awning (didn't leak, a plus), but my inear mix was inexplicably awful and I couldn't get near the desk to adjust it. Two 45s, one encore and we buggered off - home for half nine, but the schlep ruined it.


Plus point was I'd had that cheapo Sonic P to a good tech (Matt Ryan) local to me, and the final touch of a fret dress and good setup finished off a promising bass into a go-to one. Stomp and inears is the rest of the rig...

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On 21/07/2024 at 12:57, ossyrocks said:

How was my gig last night?...............CANCELLED.


Due to me testing positive for Covid on Wednesday after feeling crap all day Tuesday. No doubt picked up at the gig I did last Saturday at Morecambe Music Festival in a packed to capacity, hot and sweaty venue. 


We have our fingers and toes crossed for the gig next Saturday, but I'm still testing positive today and don't feel great.


Soooo many people have Covid again right now.



I had it a couple of weeks ago. It doesn't get any less unpleasant

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This weekend's gigs...

We played at a pub very local to me on Saturday and the turnout wasn't as great as it used to be. The old landlord has moved to another town and his daughter's now running the place. He was the life and soul and I think the punters miss him.  The punters aren't that musical... and now the landlord has moved on, their loyalty to his daughter who's taken the pub on is not what it could be. We spent some of the second half being heckled by this enormous stupid bovine woman who always insists that we play some Irish music - to the pint of halting our performance - she was yelling for Whiskey In The Jar, which we never do anymore because we are sick of it. We did play the slow version of Don't Believe A Word for her, followed by the fast one - possibly the best we've ever done it.... and she said it was shite. Pearls before swine. One for the money.

Sunday was the regular jam night that we've done for about 8 years at the same venue. It's getting a bit 'groundhog day' now.  The same people doing the same things. I'm getting a bit bored with it tbh. Due to my ongoing health concerns, I was really tired at the jam night and once again, I was the only bassist there. Three and a half hours stood there onstage with people who just play the same stuff year in - year out and not always very well.... I'm going to give it another month, then get a sub in for the jam night for a while, as it's too hard. 

Edited by 12stringbassist
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35 minutes ago, 12stringbassist said:

This weekend's gigs...

We played at a pub very local to me on Saturday and the turnout wasn't as great as it used to be. The old landlord has moved to another town and his daughter's now running the place. He was the life and soul and I think the punters miss him.  The punters aren't that musical... and now the landlord has moved on, their loyalty to his daughter who's taken the pub on is not what it could be. We spent some of the second half being heckled by this enormous stupid bovine woman who always insists that we play some Irish music - to the pint of halting our performance - she was yelling for Whiskey In The Jar, which we never do anymore because we are sick of it. We did play the slow version of Don't Believe A Word for her, followed by the fast one - possibly the best we've ever done it.... and she said it was shite. Pearls before swine. One for the money.

Sunday was the regular jam night that we've done for about 8 years at the same venue. It's getting a bit 'groundhog day' now.  The same people doing the same things. I'm getting a bit bored with it tbh. Due to my ongoing health concerns, I was really tired at the jam night and once again, I was the only bassist there. Three and a half hours stood there onstage with people who just play the same stuff year in - year out and not always very well.... I'm going to give it another month, then get a sub in for the jam night for a while, as it's too hard. 



Sounds like it wasn't a great weekend. All it takes is a good weekend to feel good. Hopefully this coming weekend will be good.



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Played the Foodies Festival at Winchester at the weekend with Bodacious. Very short turnaround time on stage as it was starting to run a little behind schedule, and Sister Sledge was the top billing.

So, my trusty JV PJ directly into the supplied backline, which was the big Blackstar bass combo. I used this at a Foodies do last year and it really does have some grunt to it - I was rather impressed. Here's a pic taken at the end of the show.



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On 22/07/2024 at 16:51, 12stringbassist said:

This weekend's gigs...

We played at a pub very local to me on Saturday and the turnout wasn't as great as it used to be. The old landlord has moved to another town and his daughter's now running the place. He was the life and soul and I think the punters miss him.  The punters aren't that musical... and now the landlord has moved on, their loyalty to his daughter who's taken the pub on is not what it could be. We spent some of the second half being heckled by this enormous stupid bovine woman who always insists that we play some Irish music - to the pint of halting our performance - she was yelling for Whiskey In The Jar, which we never do anymore because we are sick of it. We did play the slow version of Don't Believe A Word for her, followed by the fast one - possibly the best we've ever done it.... and she said it was shite. Pearls before swine. One for the money.

Sunday was the regular jam night that we've done for about 8 years at the same venue. It's getting a bit 'groundhog day' now.  The same people doing the same things. I'm getting a bit bored with it tbh. Due to my ongoing health concerns, I was really tired at the jam night and once again, I was the only bassist there. Three and a half hours stood there onstage with people who just play the same stuff year in - year out and not always very well.... I'm going to give it another month, then get a sub in for the jam night for a while, as it's too hard. 


I can't believe how many 'open mic regulars' spend years honing the same three songs. Fortunately some others take pride in having learnt two or three new songs each week.

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After a three week layoff, last Saturday my band reconvened to play at a 3-band mini-festival in yet another Dorset village. This was a strange venue insofar as the teas, games and kiddies stuff were in one field, whilst the tractors, vintage cars and music were in the next field up the hill; yes, there was pedestrian access between the two, but only a crazy treasure-hunt navigational challenge round the back lanes for vehicles. I parked on a 1-in-5 slope near the pole barn set aside for bands, but was very grateful later for the Jeep’s ultra-low 4WD to get out after the rain that pelted down - many others needed tractor assistance!


So what about the music? We followed a competent rock band with a barely-competent set dictated by the absence of our kb player (on holiday), our still-learning dep guitarist (young guy doing his best) and a rather superfluous fiddle/harmonica playing lady who was there to make up the contracted line-up numbers.


Frankly, I wasn’t happy with that line-up nor with the unforced errors littering the sets, nor with the need to play only stuff that I’d describe as cheese and cr*p,  because that was all the scratch line-up could manage without falling apart completely but that still happened, of course – crikey, we’ve always played ‘Jolene’ in Fm, but due to wrongly placed capos, panic and fluster-clucking that resulted in three restarts in Db, Eb then Bb, which is what we ended up busking it in!


Now here’s the paradox – the punters (local worthies mixed with working farming types) loved us, wanted more (although we didn’t have any more to give) and were very happy to pay us. Moral of the story? I just don’t think there is one... perhaps it's if you get out of the venue alive, the gig was a success!



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25 minutes ago, Gasman said:

After a three week layoff, last Saturday my band reconvened to play at a 3-band mini-festival in yet another Dorset village. This was a strange venue insofar as the teas, games and kiddies stuff were in one field, whilst the tractors, vintage cars and music were in the next field up the hill; yes, there was pedestrian access between the two, but only a crazy treasure-hunt navigational challenge round the back lanes for vehicles. I parked on a 1-in-5 slope near the pole barn set aside for bands, but was very grateful later for the Jeep’s ultra-low 4WD to get out after the rain that pelted down - many others needed tractor assistance!


So what about the music? We followed a competent rock band with a barely-competent set dictated by the absence of our kb player (on holiday), our still-learning dep guitarist (young guy doing his best) and a rather superfluous fiddle/harmonica playing lady who was there to make up the contracted line-up numbers.


Frankly, I wasn’t happy with that line-up nor with the unforced errors littering the sets, nor with the need to play only stuff that I’d describe as cheese and cr*p,  because that was all the scratch line-up could manage without falling apart completely but that still happened, of course – crikey, we’ve always played ‘Jolene’ in Fm, but due to wrongly placed capos, panic and fluster-clucking that resulted in three restarts in Db, Eb then Bb, which is what we ended up busking it in!


Now here’s the paradox – the punters (local worthies mixed with working farming types) loved us, wanted more (although we didn’t have any more to give) and were very happy to pay us. Moral of the story? I just don’t think there is one... perhaps it's if you get out of the venue alive, the gig was a success!




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Opened a three-act punk set last night at the Banshee Labyrinth in Edinburgh. Lovely wee venue with a lot of atmos. My new Stingray had its first outing and I was very pleased with how well it cut through. We're playing there again in September.



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On 23/07/2024 at 21:37, ossyrocks said:


Yea verily! To add to my sense of doom, we have another mini-fest looming this Sunday, with yet another scratch line-up; the killer being that the band on before us features TWO of our ex-guitarists!

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