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How was your gig last night?


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Off to a biker rally tonight with the Glam band. About 1hrs drive on outskirts of Edinburgh meaning i can go across country and avoid the by-pass rush hr at 4pm. Looks like we're doing the full set list tonight so that's gonna be approx 2.5hrs standing with platform boots. WHOO HOO.


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5 hours ago, dmccombe7 said:

Off to a biker rally tonight with the Glam band. About 1hrs drive on outskirts of Edinburgh meaning i can go across country and avoid the by-pass rush hr at 4pm. Looks like we're doing the full set list tonight so that's gonna be approx 2.5hrs standing with platform boots. WHOO HOO.



Sounds good. 👍 



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That turned out to be a wonderful night of Glam rock with BLOCKBUSTARZ at The Stair Arms in Pathead near Edinburgh.

Wasn't actually a Biker Rally but a private function invite only. We had folks there from Denmark (approx. 20) Germany, Belgium and Holland along with the various Scots & English contingent. 

Dancing from the first song with the dance floor full before the 1st set ended. 2nd set we had the floor packed from midway thru the first song.

It seemed to be the foreign bikers that started off the dancing and they were well up for it from the sound check when we had  cheers, whistles and loud clapping so that was a good start. 

Started at 8:30 and finished at 12 with a 15min break but what great fun was had by everyone there and for us. 

Some gigs just have a great atmosphere and you want to keep the party going and this was one of those nights but we literally ran out of songs. For the first time we played every song we've ever done. Superb night. Going home very chuffed.

We were told by the organiser that several people had approached him for details on the band and asked where the feck did you find such an amazing band. That was a nice wee compliment too.

Several folks also thanked us for a great nights entertainment and we kept getting asked for more. We were due to finish at 11:15pm but alas we simply ran out of time and songs :biggrin:

We've been asked if we would consider playing bike rallies in Germany but probably never happen. I'd need to renew my passport. Do passenger planes still have propellers on long haul flights :laugh1:

Bit of a  nuisance trying to pack up as the dancers continued with backing music from the organiser but several folks both male and female offered to help load our cars but most were worse for wear so we thanked them all but said it was fine and easier to track where things are when loading if we do it ourselves. Always nice to be asked tho.

Easy drive home with very little traffic so that was a bonus.

No pics as yet but will post if any become available.

You can probably tell that i'm fair pleased tonight :biggrin:


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Possibly my last gig at Leicester’s legendary music venue The Donkey. It’s changing hands next month and no certainty it will continue to host live music. 

We (the Andy Wales Band) stepped in last minute to do this gig, and there was a fairly good turn out of appreciative people including some unexpected old friends and familiar faces along the way. 

On a geeky note I was glad to be back to my Markbass head and cab after the last few gigs for which I’ve used an Ashdown head - nice sound, but just not for me.  

Bass is filthy and sweaty this morning - usually the sign of a good, loud, hot gig in my books. 


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Gig? Unimportant.

Venue? Walls and roof, next question.

Audience? Yeah there was an audience.


Great, now that the preliminaries are out of the way let's talk about the really important things. I put LEDs on my board.



Fiiiiiine, photo of everything else. Post setup, pre tidy.


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10 hours ago, bassbiscuits said:

Possibly my last gig at Leicester’s legendary music venue The Donkey. It’s changing hands next month and no certainty it will continue to host live music. 

We (the Andy Wales Band) stepped in last minute to do this gig, and there was a fairly good turn out of appreciative people including some unexpected old friends and familiar faces along the way. 

On a geeky note I was glad to be back to my Markbass head and cab after the last few gigs for which I’ve used an Ashdown head - nice sound, but just not for me.  

Bass is filthy and sweaty this morning - usually the sign of a good, loud, hot gig in my books. 


We're there on Sunday 27th (The Cheeze). It will be a sad, sad day if it's our last time ☹️


You don't wipe your bass down at the end of the night?! 😮

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19 hours ago, dmccombe7 said:

That turned out to be a wonderful night of Glam rock with BLOCKBUSTARZ at The Stair Arms in Pathead near Edinburgh.





Nice one Dave.


I need a break like that. We have two big gigs coming up soon this month.



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7 hours ago, Jack said:

Gig? Unimportant.

Venue? Walls and roof, next question.

Audience? Yeah there was an audience.


Great, now that the preliminaries are out of the way let's talk about the really important things. I put LEDs on my board.



Fiiiiiine, photo of everything else. Post setup, pre tidy.



I have the same board. Where can I get those LEDs?



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Last night - Depressingly empty in a massive room.

Easy and stress free.

just deflating.


Tonight - Claustrophobically busy in a corner of a pub.

A calamitous gig full of all sorts of things I could moan about.


”best band we’ve seen at Chorley Live”

”that was so much better than all this covers crap”

”we’ve been playing your EP at home and came just to see you”




weird weekend.

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54 minutes ago, AndyTravis said:

Last night - Depressingly empty in a massive room.

Easy and stress free.

just deflating.




Been there more times than I care to admit. All it takes is one " cracking" gig for me to recover. 





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I took my Rickenbacker for a bit of a night out, the first for several years since I went over to 5s. It's nice to be comfortable enough with a 5-string now to be able to switch between them and 4-string. It sounded great and I really enjoyed playing it, but had forgotten just how uncomfortable it was to play, despite the new pickup bezel. Well the bezel made it more comfortable around there, but the sharp bound edge still gets the inside of your forearm.


Anyway it turned out to be a night of technical problems. The Rickenbacker cut out a couple of times. I never normally carry a spare bass but I only intended to do the one set with it, so swapped it for my Sire. A few songs later that cut out too - ok, so it's not the bass. I then noticed my GT-6B multi-fx pedal booting up. At the break I got the Servisol switch cleaner around the power cable and switch. Nope that didn't sort it, so I just played direct into the amp. I hope it's the power supply because I have a spare. I don't have a spare multi-fx pedal with all the patches set up.


Anyway I'll see how it is with the spare PSU at tomorrow's gig

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We (Fine Lines) played an outlier gig as a part of Leek Americana and Blues Festival in the grandly titled "Leek Bar and Grill" which appeared to have a bar and presumably had a grill (although it wasn't visible).


It was the first outing for our new line-up, which featured a change of singist (who also played guitar) and drumist (who was playing cajon, so probably needs to be described as cajonist). 


All things considered, it wasn't terrible. We didn't get glassed off and the venue has asked us to return (as a band, not as patrons). 



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I too played a depressingly empty venue last night. It used to be buzzing, a great gig, but alas it's on its arse these days.

Luckily the band I was with really clicks; all top musicians, all in fine form. We had a blast.

This was my rig




and boy did it sing.

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