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Dep barn dance on upright for an acoustic diddly band about 5 minutes walk from my house, or it would have been sans gear.
Nice friendly band and a 21st birthday party full of sports students in rather inappropriate clothing for twirling and whirling :)
Great fun, early home and a nice friendly atmosphere.
I had to be careful of my plucking fingers though as I have one with my own band tonight and a blister could ruin my whole evening :rolleyes:

Edited by OldGit

Just finished doing a week of 'Thoroughly Modern Millie' the musical at a localish theatre. Worked with a great drummer, Dave Minshull, and a decent orchestra. Extra good fun, as it was the first gig of my new rig in its entirety, my AccuGroove cab arrived the day of the first night! Review and pics thread coming up, the AccuGroove surpassed my expectations, and is absolutely phenomenal! Really, just awesome.. exactly what I was after!!!! Show went well, another coming up soon!


played an awesome gig in camden @ the fiddler's elbow on friday night.

i wouldn't recommend the venue though, the owner completly screwed over the promoter so the band after consequently went and trashed the place! it was amazing they were swinging off lights and throwing chairs and stuff the singer had the bouncer and the owner following him around for the whole set !

our set was good, besides an epic fail where my pedals cut out in between songs and i couldn't get them working for ages but then they just started working again. It was a little embarassing as we were playing to a crowd of people including our label and our ex manager and various bands we love so we felt we didn't impress enough :)


Awesome gig at the CBSO Centre in Birmingham - place was pretty much sold out (aournd 500 peeps) we played really well, I was comepletely relaxed when I went on and my sound was about 10x better than in the sound check - was really in the groove with the drummer and that made everyone else get into it - only bummer was my G string decided to lower itself too much so it became unplayable above the 15th fret - just in time for my nice melodic solo - had to switch to plan B and added a few unwanted "jazz" notes - but got away with it - just! But I had loads of positive feedback from people afterwards - it's a killing band and we'll no doubt keep improving - a very satisfying night all round.



Played a private party last night in hall near St Albans. The bar staff who were hired also run a couple of local pubs so we have some bookings for next year.

We went down really well and I had a chance to to play my new acquisitions (the 78 P Bass and the SG Bass). Both were great to play and I really enjoyed playing the Who and Cream numbers in our set on the SG. I DEFINITELY need to sort the neck dive out or at least remember to hold on to the neck all the way through the set. There were a couple of scary moments when the headstock moved southwards at an alarming rate of knots.

Even better for me personally was the lack of (or limited) pain I felt in my left forearm after 2 hours playing. Still not right by a long shot but I was comfortable enough to try my Jack Bruce licks :)


[quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='661779' date='Nov 22 2009, 02:03 PM']Played a private party last night in hall near St Albans. The bar staff who were hired also run a couple of local pubs so we have some bookings for next year.

We went down really well and I had a chance to to play my new acquisitions (the 78 P Bass and the SG Bass). Both were great to play and I really enjoyed playing the Who and Cream numbers in our set on the SG. I DEFINITELY need to sort the neck dive out or at least remember to hold on to the neck all the way through the set. There were a couple of scary moments when the headstock moved southwards at an alarming rate of knots.

Even better for me personally was the lack of (or limited) pain I felt in my left forearm after 2 hours playing. Still not right by a long shot but I was comfortable enough to try my Jack Bruce licks :)[/quote]

That's good news Nick ..


We played at What's Cookin' in London last night which is one of the main venues on the alt.country / Americana circuit. Great crowd, good night & we played well. I love the set up on stage (see pic). I took my smaller Ampeg BA115 combo as it's more portable & it sounded great (I thought that during the support band too which is encouraging).


The Gate in Faringdon, EC1 last night. Traffic getting into the city from the Essex riviera was a nightmare, arrived 3/4hr later than planned. Set up quickly in a tiny corner of the pub on a raised section of the dining area - I was practically sitting on the high hat and was obstructed from any plain view of the audience by one of the guitarists.

We played to a small but extremely enthusiastic crowd of city types who were, largely, pissed. I don't recall the band ever making so many mistakes, collectively - not sure where the singer's mind was but it wasn't on his vocals much of the time - but apparently no-one either noticed or cared as we went down a storm and had an absolute blast playing. And some more gigs in the pipeline, too. Life is good :)


Played a trendy cocktail bar in Manchester last night called the Gin Club. I was feeling a bit apprehensive about this one because a. it's a student hangout on a Thursday night and we're a rough and ready proper blues band and b. it's unnerving for a Scouser to be so deep into Manchester.

Have to say, we played brilliantly but they didn't get it at all. I spent all night looking and smiling at the three girls sat staring at us with expressions that reminded me of my girls when they were that age. dads with teenage girls know that look - the one that says..."what's that all about ...pfff".

Feeling sh*te today but pleased cos I'm so happy with my gear at the moment and I feel a weight's been taken off my shoulders.


Average night for me though the others reckoned the bass sounded good. Sound guy said he had me out of the rig, yet I had rolled back the tone controls on the MB to what I thought had it in check (and was OK with the drummer) All this despite the guitarists who were LOUD even taken right out of my IEM mix so I just had bass my vocals, plus a little lead vox, kick, hats & snare low down.

I am becoming quite p155ed off with it all as the MB + Epifani 12 are a great little rig but it seems impossible to keep the level down to that acceptable to the others without completely emasculating the sound.

Good crowd, but I hate the sound in the venue as it is so bright and splashy. Drummer loves the way his kit sounds for exactly the same reason.

Tried out the new etymotic buds on the Shure phones I use and was hoping that they would stay put better. When they were in sounded good, but they quickly became dislodged so the bass disappeared and it felt as it I was pushing them through the side of my head to try to get them to stick sometimes. Another annoyance I'm having trouble getting to the bottom of - how to get the IEM's to stay put so I have a good IE sound the remains through the night.

Probably put this all down to the full moon p1551ng me off at the mo. Hospital appointment just been put back a month and I have this horrible feeling that the planned op on my right hand & wrist (stop it!!!) I am trying to schedule for my quiet time at work in February is going to end up nothing of the sort.

Just hope tomorrow at our favourite (and very long) gig - the last for the year - goes well. Ought to get to my pit now to be refreshed for that


[quote name='urb' post='661771' date='Nov 22 2009, 01:49 PM']Awesome gig at the CBSO Centre in Birmingham - place was pretty much sold out (aournd 500 peeps) we played really well, I was comepletely relaxed when I went on and my sound was about 10x better than in the sound check - was really in the groove with the drummer and that made everyone else get into it - only bummer was my G string decided to lower itself too much so it became unplayable above the 15th fret - just in time for my nice melodic solo - had to switch to plan B and added a few unwanted "jazz" notes - but got away with it - just! But I had loads of positive feedback from people afterwards - it's a killing band and we'll no doubt keep improving - a very satisfying night all round.

15th fret? Wheres that? :)


[quote name='WalMan' post='674695' date='Dec 5 2009, 03:50 AM']Another annoyance I'm having trouble getting to the bottom of - how to get the IEM's to stay put so I have a good IE sound the remains through the night.[/quote]

The custom moulded plugs I have stay put very well and they can have IEM inserts too.

[url="http://www.hearingprotection.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=62&Itemid=121"]ACS ER-15 Custom Earplugs[/url]


Almost got into a fight last night. That's new!

We were playing a pub we play a lot. One of those finding a space in the corner jobs with no stage. During the last song it got a bit rowdy and some big, drunk lunk was jumping about within inches of my pedal/effects thingies. Then, of course, he took a big leap straight towards me and my gear. With lighting self-preservation reactions i shouldered him back into the audience. The guy went flying. Of course, he came back swinging. By now I had my bass off and was willing to sacrifice a MM Stingray in the interests of not being thumped. Luckily he was far too pissed to actually land a punch and he gave up. Still, I really don't like that sort of thing and could well do without it. It's never actually happened before either in many similar situations. Sigh!


Ashdown Superflies and lager shandy don't mix. Put drink on shelf behind amp, about the same level as the top of the speaker cab, then a couple of songs after doing that, everything went quiet behind me. Glass had slid to edge of shelf and tipped up, top inch or so had gone onto side, back, and a little onto the top of the amp. All front panel lights (and there's a lot of them on a Superfly) still flashing, power section dysfunctional. Plugged into PA to finish the gig. Gig went well, audience liked us, although there's a couple of songs we made huge cockups on that we really shouldn't. We're back there on 2nd January so we'll try and get everything sorted out for then.

Post-mortem: took amp home, took off top and side panels, washed out shandy residue with clean water, put on radiator to dry out. Tested it twelve hours later (ie. half an hour ago) and it's in full voice once more.


Played at a private party last night, with my RD Artist, which for some reason didn't like my radio gear. :)
Plugged in a trusty old lead and away we went!
Great night, made even better by a guest appearance of the host's 13 year old son, in the second set.
He rehearsed with us twice and pulled off 13 numbers.
ACDC, Purple, ZZ Top, Lizzy and several more - awesome!
Also somewhat upsetting for us "older" members!
How can a 13 year old be as good as that???? :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Great night.
Hoping he will guest with us next year. :rolleyes:


[quote name='tauzero' post='674970' date='Dec 5 2009, 02:45 PM']Ashdown Superflies and lager shandy don't mix. Put drink on shelf behind amp, about the same level as the top of the speaker cab, then a couple of songs after doing that, everything went quiet behind me. Glass had slid to edge of shelf and tipped up, top inch or so had gone onto side, back, and a little onto the top of the amp. All front panel lights (and there's a lot of them on a Superfly) still flashing, power section dysfunctional. Plugged into PA to finish the gig. Gig went well, audience liked us, although there's a couple of songs we made huge cockups on that we really shouldn't. We're back there on 2nd January so we'll try and get everything sorted out for then.

Post-mortem: took amp home, took off top and side panels, washed out shandy residue with clean water, put on radiator to dry out. Tested it twelve hours later (ie. half an hour ago) and it's in full voice once more.[/quote]

My Superfly does that without me needing to buy it a drink first!


[quote name='waynepunkdude' post='675028' date='Dec 5 2009, 03:52 PM']Played at The Bull in Sittingbourne with T Alan and Kunt and the Gang.

Was a good show except the promoter didn't pay T Alan their guaranteed fee and didn't pay the soundman, what a knob.

Good pic from the show.[/quote]

Nice to see a couple of your biggest fans showed up :)


[quote name='waynepunkdude' post='675028' date='Dec 5 2009, 03:52 PM']Played at The Bull in Sittingbourne with T Alan and Kunt and the Gang.

Was a good show except the promoter didn't pay T Alan their guaranteed fee and didn't pay the soundman, what a knob.

Good pic from the show.[/quote]

Love Kunt and the Gang, he's a really good lad too, dead jealous you supported him!


Great night at a pub in St Helens, packed to the roof. in was in of a local Hospice we did half hour, then a raffle followed by two guys called the Helmut Bros. they were naked apart from german helmits, Hitler Moustaches an two balloons each. luckily the Khan fight was on so i watched that instead. then we did a 45 min spot and that was it. compliments all round and Four hundred quid. the only downer was our keyboard player is slowly dying of cancer, he wanted to play so his partner and a mate drove him there and we set up his stuff for him, sad is not the word. oh and we got lost coming home.


Pulled a muscle in my shoulder this afternoon and thought that I'd have to cancel tonight's gig. However eating Ibuprofen like Smarties seemed to do the trick though I couldn't fling myself about as much as normal.

Nice pub - playing to about 6 people at the start but rammed by the end. 40 songs tonight so a bit longer than usual but we were nice and tight and it was just one of those evenings when you enjoy being in a band!

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