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Played Beacon Court in Gillingham which is one of my favourate venues with Wonk Unit and Tyranasourus Alan 2 of my favourate bands.

We were on first did a 30 minute set I couldn't get my amp to sound how I wanted but my playing was as close to flawless as it has ever been so I was well happy every song we did was cheered and we had a pretty big crowd for a Thursday night.

Then came Wonk Unit, now if you have never seen Wonk Unit before they are a wierd mix of dirty London Punk and f**ked up poetry started with theis poem

"I work,
I am a horse
I have slightly rough hands and pain in my eyes
You`ll find me in the rain
tears rolling down frozen stubbled cheeks
Grey skies above taunt me of fresh miseries to follow.
The crow
poised on whithered branch
Come on everyone
Let`s all bark at the f***in donkey.
This Donkey of the damned."

Played a great set and Alex (the lead singer) brought me down a new skateboard deck, sweet :)

T Alan (the bass player is a BC'er ) They were absolutly brilliant with the addition of a trombone to there horn section

Great night and we got fuel money :huh:


[quote name='yorks5stringer' post='275426' date='Sep 2 2008, 02:03 PM']Typical, last night's gig wedding in a well known Castle near Tadcaster. Asked nicely for our promised food early, they brought us 1 sandwich each (ie 2 slices of bread cut into 4) and a bowl of chips for us all.[/quote]
I hate gigs like that, especially weekday ones after a day at work.


Another gig at The Weir in Hessle- we had a new girl Lisa who is absolutely gorgeous ( and 20 years my junior ) singing a few songs ( she is a better looker than a singer ) but everyone really enjoyed themselves- the crowd thought she was great and overall we sounded pretty good- our new keyboard player was certainly up to speed with the set and has a great harmony vocal- so my mike will not be coming with me from now on- hurrah!!

I have sung harmony for years but really I dont enjoy it at all and would much rather be concentrating on my playing.

Had a few chinstrokers from other bands in this week who were very impressed with my sound and playing ( marshall VBA 400 and VBC 4 X 12 and Marcus Miller Jazz. )

They said it was a great sound and was surprised that I was not coming through the FOH rig- said I was very precise. Couple of the guys ( in a well known pro band ) remembered me from when I used to be pro some years ago and we had a bit of a nostalgic conversation. Things aint what they use to be- THANK GOD!!

Roll on Sunday our other monthly residency.



Posted (edited)

Did a private party in a field in Windsor for a guy who stages it for his birthday every year. Dodged the rain to do the load in, set up inside a big circus tent type thing, rain started again and the thing started dripping onto us. We'd plugged everything into trip switches but it was looking like we were going to get fried. Talked about bailing out so the tent people swung into action and built another tent canopy over us, the rain then stopped, so we went for it.

The result, an amazing gig. People were up for it from the off - and we must have played over three hours in the end. A guy arrived with a trumpet (as you do) and we played our ska songs with him which sounded ace. Women (some fit, some a bit scary) were pole dancing in front of us around the tentpoles, one even gave the singer a private dance while he was playing. Put him right off his stroke. :huh:

The Band's not gigged for a few months and it was great getting back into the saddle again. Get out was horrible though - gear's covered in mud and straw and we had to carry it back through muddy fields to the car. Going to have to hose it down today. :)

Great gig.

Edited by stingrayfan

[quote name='stingrayfan' post='278994' date='Sep 7 2008, 10:38 AM']Did a private party in a field in Windsor for a guy who stages it for his birthday every year. Dodged the rain to do the load in, set up inside a big circus tent type thing, rain started again and the thing started dripping onto us. We'd plugged everything into trip switches but it was looking like we were going to get fried. Talked about bailing out so the tent people swung into action and built another tent canopy over us, the rain then stopped, so we went for it.[/quote]
We did a party near Chelmsford last night in a marquee. Made a change from a wedding - we had a good BBQ although it was very much a Carlsberg version (loads of meat and hardly any salad). However we all had two desserts afterwards! Heheh. It absolutely pissed down outside as well and we had issues with drips but thankfully not on stage. The punters took a while to warm up and it wasn't until the girls actually left the stage and physically dragged the punters up onto the dancefloor that everyone started dancing. It was like they needed our permission or something. We had a dep keyboardist who wasn't really up to scratch so I don't think we'll be using him again. He kept missing out large sections of some songs and didn't know others at all (like Mercy). The drummer and I were on fire though, tight as a tight thing and he was playing in the pocket so I could play my ass off instead of trying to lock him down.



Depped for [url="http://www.themightypersuaders.co.uk"]http://www.themightypersuaders.co.uk[/url] last night at a mansion called Casewick Hall, just outside Stamford. Fantastic gig - we had Gizz Butt on guitar (ex Prodigy - he's one of the most incredible guitar players you'll ever witness) and their drummer is Spike T. Smith, of Morrisey fame who has worked with The Damned etc etc - awesome players. Typical function gig - 50th birthday etc in a marquee in the 27 acre grounds! Loads of great food (buffet then curries later on!) and a free bar - I don't drink on gigs as I was driving so loads of fruit juice! Loads of really nice ladies too...!

There were a few musos there and I used my trusted blue Vigier (with Status Series II as backup) my Markbass stack without any support from the Electrovoice PA system and one of the guys (another fellow bassist) could not believe this to be the case so I think I might have converted him to the MB cause!


First proper gig since I got back from the Edinburgh show, a wedding at Auckland Castle in Bishop Auckland. Was going by train, ended up two hours behind schedule (flooding, apparently), but made it in time for a pre-gig curry. 8-piece band, only knew one of them, two hours of standards and pop, walking from notes and chords. Enormous fun, really well received, decently paid.

Only problem was that after the leader called The Flintstones Theme at 270bpm, my arm took the next two songs to recover. Walking four to the bar with two-beat changes for seven or eight minutes. I can still feel the pain...


Played the QEH main hall on the South Bank in London last night - we headlined it - and it was rather good actually - we got the place more than half way full which is good for a £20 a ticket gig in a sit down venue - so about 400 - 500 - people... sadly I'm working (or meant to be) right this minute so I'll have to be brief but it was great having top quality monitoring and the Sei bass absolutely kills it live - the tone is massive. I was using an Ampeg but I found some nice settings and it was all good. Aside from a couple of under-rehearsed tunes that went slightly awry - the set kicked ass and a good sign of how things were going was that our alloted hour and a half flew by. I was pleased that I didn't get that nervous beforehand and felt really comfortable on stage - so, being relaxed, I played well and held the grooves down, basically did my job!

Anyway - got to get this bit of freelance nonsense finished now!




We played the Cross Keys in Morley on Friday and it was a good gig with the pub about half full, with a bit of dancing going on. Our drummer Ian had a bad back but struggled on. Yesterday we played the Shay in Halifax to about 5 people! Ian still had a stiff back and Vikki our singer was ill - she had to run off after the first set and upchuck.
Second set went okay and we still put on a decent show which is difficult without much response!


Pearl Wedding Dinner in the Restuarant at the Black Horse, Clifton near Brighouse.

Played 2 X45 minute sets during the meal at low volume to the couple and their friends and offspring.
Had 'My Girl' by the Temptations sprung on us on Wednesday so agreed on a key by email and soundchecked it before the gig: all went fine, paid well and our first tip ever from the hosts!
Yes, they could have had piped music but we were happy seeing everyone as a family getting together and enjoying themselves.
We chose lots of significant song titles which I guess they did not spot: Let's Stay Together, The first time ever, Crazy Love, Days, Lean on Me, Say What you Want, Cry me a River, Drift Away, Mercy, My Girl, Move on Up, and Perfect.

After the list of songs they sent at short notice on Wednesday, our guitarist suggested we do "Last Request!"as well!


We did a brief ZZ trib in Skipton high street yest aft. Inadequate PA , the stage was one big trip hazard and there was a shower during our set.

Still , I like Skipton and the organisers were nice folk. I wandered down an alley at one point and came back with a chimney for my boat - result!

Posted (edited)

Colliers Arms, Garnant, S,Wales Sat 6/9/08
A cosy pub we’ve played before. Our regular vocalist had to pull out, so local celeb Gary Pickford-Hopkins stepped in as “guest” vocalist / blues harp / rhythm guitar, he was the singer in “Man” and sang on a couple of Rick Wakeman’s albums among much else. Changed the regular set of R&B / rock to back-to-roots pure blues and rock n’ roll, absolute magic and the audience loved it. Working with a “pro” singer makes you realise how they can belt it out – I think he’d have been OK without the PA!

NB: Walbassist & Bassbod – yes that’s your old “P” – absolutely unchanged except for a new set of Fodera Diamonds. I use nothing else for this band – does it all, plays like a dream, and always sounds sweet.

Edited by Shaggy

Played our second residency at the Highway in Hull.

Good night- about 100 in.

Last week we made a mistake ( I did! ) and turned up for the wrong night- there was another pretty dire band on who were supposed to play 3 out of four Sundays- seems they were sacked after playing one gig- we were asked again if we would like to do all the Sundays but declined again- once per month is OK for us at one venue.

Overall a good night but our drummer at this place always seems to be in a bad mood- makes me laugh but our brass players dont like it.

Anway I feel really tired today- my Marshall Rig sounds great but is very heavy- I think if I were playing more than 2-3 times per month I would look for something lighter- but I love Tube amps- I have a VBA 400- possibly a lighter cab would do it?- I think it would make a difference.




Saturday night, Royal Oak, Burton-on-Trent (Boss Hogg Rock n Blues band)

Went pretty damn well to be honest. I wasn't looking forward to this one as it's the first we've done without the keys (as he's on holiday) and we had to make some last minute changes so it was all a bit "seat of the pants". As it happened, it didn't matter, we sounded spot on. Had to do 3 encores, had people up and dancing, and loads of compliments and requests for repeat appearances etc.

Nights like that remind me why I have 2 bands. Good covers band gigs have a really great atmosphere, and something that I haven't yet managed to find playing originals! (yet!)


Not exactly my gig and maybe not really for this thread, but we've just finished rehearsals for the Queen & Paul Rodgers tour (i'm working on it, not playing - unfortunately).
We fly off to Ukraine tomorrow for the start of the tour and beyond!.
The band were sounding great and it's polished show, so should be a good tour.


[quote name='bluesparky' post='280459' date='Sep 9 2008, 04:19 PM']Not exactly my gig and maybe not really for this thread, but we've just finished rehearsals for the Queen & Paul Rodgers tour (i'm working on it, not playing - unfortunately).
We fly off to Ukraine tomorrow for the start of the tour and beyond!.
The band were sounding great and it's polished show, so should be a good tour.[/quote]
Many pics are required methinks! Enjoy :)


[quote name='Adrenochrome' post='279269' date='Sep 7 2008, 07:05 PM']We played the Cross Keys in Morley on Friday and it was a good gig with the pub about half full, with a bit of dancing going on. Our drummer Ian had a bad back but struggled on. Yesterday we played the Shay in Halifax to about 5 people! Ian still had a stiff back and Vikki our singer was ill - she had to run off after the first set and upchuck.
Second set went okay and we still put on a decent show which is difficult without much response![/quote]

Same happened to us at the Shay eighteen months ago. I think the punk bands that play it get bigger crowds. A drummer friend of mine's band are playing it later this year so I am sure he will tell me how it goes. We are at the Key's later this month so hope we manage to draw a good crowd as we are going to video the gig.


Fun gig last night.

Lower Bell in Chatham

Got there at 6.45 didn't sound check, went on at 8 played with my P-bass because my Jazz is playing up but damn that Squire can rock I might put some higher output pups in it and gig it more.

Played a half hour set, watched tyranasourus Alan they were great, ordered Nandos went down and picked it up ate it at the pub.

Screwed around with the Alan boys (was very funny) went home

Jobs a gooden.

Not holding out much hope for tonights gig to be too much fun.


Did a jazz trio gig last Sunday; great bass sound (with the SWR/GK hybrid), great playing, creative soloing, good interaction etc.

Did another gig last night; same trio, same gear - it sucked. Played like a t****r.

How d'ya fathom that?


[quote name='bilbo230763' post='282384' date='Sep 12 2008, 09:48 AM']Did a jazz trio gig last Sunday; great bass sound (with the SWR/GK hybrid), great playing, creative soloing, good interaction etc.

Did another gig last night; same trio, same gear - it sucked. Played like a t****r.

How d'ya fathom that?[/quote]

Insufficient pixie dust

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