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1 hour ago, dmccombe7 said:

Nice wee gig in The Cave in Paisley last night with Emergency Exit punk band. Turned out to be a good size audience. Lots of singing and dancing and a few fall-overs onto the stage area. No harm done but i had to stop playing to stop someone falling into me and the guitarist lost his signal when someone fell right over his monitor and pedals. Like any good band we carried on while he sorted out the problem. Complete Control by the Clash too which is one of my fav songs to play.

I always worry when people start dancing while holding a full pint glass. Beer and mains dont go very well together.

All in all a great night.


Complete Control was one of my faves when doing punk covers too, Dave.

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Posted (edited)

Saturday night for a birthday do at a cricket club near Bradford. A few teething issues with our singer having had to shell out £620 for a new wireless mic and struggling to get it working properly; our guitarist was too quiet and our synth player too loud for the first set; there was a vox delay in the drummer's monitor so we had a few timing issues. Other than that we kicked butt, and my new Ashdown cab sounded gorgeous with my trusty Squier Precision played through it and the ABM. Dancing from the start and got good feedback from people who know what they're talking about. Even managed to find a fellow basser to geek out over gear with! Just need my blisters to fully heal before the next gig on 26th now...

Edited by asingardenof
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On 08/11/2022 at 08:21, Dazm66 said:

Got a very last minute gig on Sunday night for an end of season party for staff at a PGL centre (they run residential activity holidays for school kids) near Woodbridge in Suffolk. Amazing Manor House but when we arrived, realised that the crowd were pretty much all in their early 20's so a bit concerned about how they'd like our 60's/70's/80's funk and soul set.


Needn't have worried. This audience, lubricated by some cheap sparkly, were determined to dance all night and loved the music. What a great night and no more assumptions from me about what people might or might not like!








Upskirting is a serious offence nowadays.


Friday night gig at Backwell Village Club, SW of Bristol. Their beer festival weekend. Not out target audience, and we were more the band in the background while people chatted, but there were a few swaying and singing along. One of those 'get it under your belt' type. The venue and organiser were very happy though. 




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19 hours ago, FinnDave said:

It was booked and conformed, then the next day the venue messed me to say that on reflection we weren't the sort of band they were looking for. 

Always a shame when that sort of thing happens. At least they let you know. We've replied to a couple of ads this year saying band needed for x date as Y band has dropped out. Send a message saying yes we're available and get no response whatsoever. Chase them up still no response. Its just pure pig ignorance imho.

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On 13/11/2022 at 19:20, Al Krow said:

We love getting asked to play at Wembley Boxpark, although it can be quite a tough crowd, at times, as folk are eating and drinking with their mates and not necessarily wanting to engage with the band. Our singer, Ami, never fails to give 100% at every gig and she really helps to energise the rest of us when we're not getting that from an audience. I guess it can be all too easy to lose sight of how fortunate it is to have great bandmates, and it's lovely that she's still so passionate about the band which she's been fronting since 2016. Here's a little clip from last night: 



Was this you running the bass through the new pa?

1 hour ago, krispn said:

Was this you running the bass through the new pa?


I wish, haha! No, it's the in-house PA system that Wembley Boxpark have - it's an awesome set-up including overhead hung PA speakers. I'm sure most band PAs would struggle to fill-out that venue, which you'll appreciate if you check some of the images online.

We were just using our RCF 310As as floor stage monitors.

On 14/11/2022 at 15:03, Buddster said:

Friday night gig at Backwell Village Club, SW of Bristol. Their beer festival weekend. Not out target audience, and we were more the band in the background while people chatted, but there were a few swaying and singing along. One of those 'get it under your belt' type. The venue and organiser were very happy though. 




What system are you using for your FOH PA? I’ve been looking in line array systems - is yours for vocal only or could he handle all the instruments without backline?

On 14/11/2022 at 15:03, Buddster said:

Friday night gig at Backwell Village Club, SW of Bristol. Their beer festival weekend. Not out target audience, and we were more the band in the background while people chatted, but there were a few swaying and singing along. One of those 'get it under your belt' type. The venue and organiser were very happy though. 





Egad is your guitarist Dave Myers?

15 hours ago, Greg Edwards69 said:

What system are you using for your FOH PA? I’ve been looking in line array systems - is yours for vocal only or could he handle all the instruments without backline?


It's an HK Audio active system and in this instance we were using 1 sub/2 tops per side which is more than enough for a venue up to 120 people. Slightly larger venue, we'd use 2 subs and 4 tops. It's the drummers kit and he and I have used it/hired it out at outdoor festivals with 4 subs/4 tops per side and they are bloody loud! And clear. They are brilliant. I've done a lot of live sound and they are easily the best system I've used. 

The drummer uses V drums and we run everything through FOH, having a fairly quiet stage (and I'm not hiden away behind a big top unit). They can more than handle this, and have used them with rock bands, reggae and even a Bangra beat band. Didnt even break sweat. 

They weren't cheap, all though in his over enthusiasm he bought too many units and we hardly ever have to use more than 2 subs /side. 

Definitely recommend inline pa systems, but would advise a pre purchase testing session with reference music you know. 

14 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:


Egad is your guitarist Dave Myers?

😂 That's a new one, I'll have to tease him about that next time

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Posted (edited)

Just got back from a gig at Trillians Rock bar in Newcastle. Went well. Good sound and great turnout. Long journey though 2.5 hours there and 2.5 back. Certainly wouldn't want to do that regularly.


Edited by BassFace1991
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Played outside last night. Yep, you read that correctly. The place has a huge covered courtyard, open to the elements both ends, and we set up in a line. The space we had to work with was long but narrow so the drummer had to go at the end. The sound was weird, our drummer plays with finesse and a light touch. I couldn't hear him for much of the gig, he couldn't hear me at all.

I set up a kick drum mic in the break and fed it to my in ears which helped keep us locked in but increased the weirdness of the sound. 

On the positive side, they loved us, and we're definitely coming back next year for a few more dates. I played through a PA cab to save space so I can car share for tonight's gig. Used an amp sim on my Mooer Prime P1 and it sounded fine. 

Decided to give my Impure Guitars, Luna bass a run out. It was very lovely.


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Great night. We hadn't played at that pub for many years. Easy setup parked outside, quick setup. Got started but the sound was a bit weird. Had to turn the bass down to half the level of last week, and turn the PA up full, and still the little alto speaker wasn't even showing hte clip light, so not sure what the issue there was. Still, got a good sound in the end and there was much dancing and singing. There were a couple dancing on a table which looks like it was going to give, but somehow it seemed to survive!


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First time at the Cider Press on the Gloucester Road in Bristol. One of those lively student boozers where you play to a succession of different pub crawls. 

Friendly staff and a happy landlord. Job done.

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We played a very small pub last night. The drinking area was 'L' shaped and we played in the smaller section which consisted of a small alcove with part of the bar on the right hand side. No room for a drum kit so the drummer used flats. PA speakers sat on the bar and a piano which sat outside the alcove. 2 guitarists stood side by side which left about 18" to the bar, I stood behind them 6" from the fireplace with my amp (Prometheous 3110) sitting about 4ft in front of me underneath the piano. Our singer was at the front level with my amp, so a pretty small venue but the sound was actually okay.

The pub was packed and pretty warm but we went down extremely well, the audience were dancing from the second number onwards and even provided vocal support😁

Happy to say a good night was had by all.

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Methil Ex-Services in Fife last night. Glam covers band. About half full which the club said was good under current climate. Dancing from 2nd or 3rd song, lots of vids being taken on phones altho haven't seen any yet.

Band sounded good. Backline and vocal PA and the new Handbox WB-100 did a sterling job and all running flat on EQ with master at 11 o'clock. 

Club was very impressed and have asked if we could do next years Hogmanay 2023. Gave them a price and they will run it thru the committee this morning at their AGM. 

Feedback from the audience was very positive and everyone had a great time. Band is really starting to tighten up with our new guitarist and band feels a lot more settled.

Drive home was a bummer as it was heavy rain / sleet with fair bit of flooding on roads. 

Very pleased this morning albeit tired. Bed at 4am and cats at 9am this morning.


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Posted (edited)

We played at The Huntsman Tavern in Salisbury last night, arrived to a fairly quiet  bar watching the ladies football and then the darts…

Once we’d set up and sound checked what a difference, the pub started to fill up with a lot of friendly faces that (I’m told) follow the band from pub to pub - apparently they were out to see the new bass player….🤣


Lots of singing and dancing from the off had me settled in in no time, it’s my 4th gig with the band and things are nice and tight now,  so I’m finding I’m starting to relax and enjoy gigging with them, we did an off the cuff rendition of Radar Love which seemed to go down well.


All told a great night and lots of positive feedback ref the new boy - long may it continue 😊

Edited by Thor
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Once again, rock’n’roll in a Bristol pub - this time a food pub that had just received a cancellation from a large party.


The band playing area was crammed between one of the front doors and the door to the gents’, next to which was a games machine. In the break two blokes came into the playing area to use it, and one managed to trip over the guitarist’s Kemper floor board. I was glad of my tiny but unfeasibly loud BF One 10. The pub closed the gents’ and declared the ladies’ a unisex toilet for the evening. They said they would lock the front door (a fire door) but never did. The occasional gust of cold air at my shoulder told me when a punter was coming in…


We started off playing to one (1) person, rising to a maximum of 6. This excluded the dining party in the adjacent room. They kept the door open so they can’t have found us too objectionable. During the last number a few more people came in and, predictably, begged us to carry on. We treated them to one more number before the strict 11pm curfew brought the evening to a welcome end.

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Played another one last night - second day in a row, new pub for us, it was originally booked when we were going to merge with another group as we were losing our guitarist and they were losing bass and drums, but it didn't happen, so we thought we had it, and it turned out it was theres. A bit of a conversation and their guitarist had hurt his foot and was more than happy to not do it. I see why now, it was upstairs which involved going up an outdoor metal staircase!


It was weird, it looked like a fancy eating pub downstairs, but upstairs was this 70s social club vibe with bowling alley and mini bar. thought well, noone is going to come up here, but turns out they do in large numbers. 

Downside of the evening is that at the end of yesterdays gig, I thought my XVive IEM had run out of battery as it died, but I put it on at the start of this, and unless the tx and rx were touching, there was no function - looks like they are dead :/

Also, the drummer met someone in the town where we did the gig last night and said they were coming to see us tonight, turned out on the facebook poster, although I put the right date, it said saturday! oops. Still, it was busy anyway.


After all the gig was heaving and pretty good. Second half a lot of numbers were quick, I guess the drummer had a bus to catch, but it went well and they seemed to like us, and on unloading, it was now raining so the metal staircase outside was wet, that was fun! Oh and there were a group of 4 drunk guys arguing in front of the door that I had to ask to move a about 4 times and then had to shove them out of the way, until the drummer walked into them with the drum frame, then they moved!

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Played a social club last night that we last played before lockdown. Not a bad size crowd and we played well with a dep drummer (our usual drummers brother).


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Posted (edited)

Private solo acoustic do in my local, easy enough night, voice held up after a few days off work with the lurgy, otherwise nothing of note. Back to bass duties next weekend, then only one more solo gig for the foreseeable due to my pgce course eating my life. 


Edited by gafbass02
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