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Deja Vu for me yesterday as it was back to the gig that got me into my current (covers) band.

We played at the 2nd annual Biker Blessing in Dunham Massey (near Manchester). It's a charity biker thing where loads of them (c250 bikes I think) ride around, then have a rest and we keep them entertained.

Great fun to play outdoors on the back of a huge trailer, in great weather to a decent size audience (for a change!). Played well, but the set was a bit disjointed due to pauses for "best bike" prizes and the like. All in all, pretty enjoyable.

By the way, this was the event last year where I was asked to step in at 2 weeks notice and haven't managed to leave since!

Posted (edited)

Still basking in the post gig afterglow of three brilliant gigs this weekend -

First up last thurs at theJubilee in Blackburn town centre, a 6pm start for an afternoon celebration of some bloke and a dragon.
first time we've played there and i think we might have been one of the first bands which they've had on.
Absolutely cracking gig, the first set made up of exclusively english bands....the jam went down especially well, then in the spirit of pc, the rest of the music from all over...we even ended up playin for a third set...well every man has his price!
top venue run by top people full of top punters, well worth popping in if there's anything else on!

Friday night was another new gig, The New Inn, Castleton, Rochdale.
its not often these days when i walk in a pub and i'm the youngest person in there, but with a lifetime's expirence of partying these people knew how to rock out!
thought we'd start off with a few 60's classics to get them going, but we needn't have worried about playin anything modern as everything we threw at them went down a storm!
again, another great pub trying to get good rep as a music venue.....well worth trying to get in touch with them for a gig!

and then to sat night.....Coolers Shaw
I may be a bit biased being a shaw gorby, but this place is turning itself into a seriously good music venue.
massive stage means there's plenty of room to rock out and throw a few rock poses!....you know the ones - tennis racket in front of the bedroom mirror...or perhaps it should now be the game controller in front of the playsation!
massive shout out to the 'kick chicks'! i'm not sure who works it harder!
check out the 'THE KICKS......CLASSIC ROCK/PUNK AND MODERN ANTHEMS BAND!' profile on facebook, or mine - ian wild for plenty of mad photo's and videos!!!

the hardest working band in the northwest? maybe.....


Edited by ianwild16

Sunday night 26th.

We were the only band on the bill at Gagarin205 in Athens, Greece.

All in all a good show with (for once) a well organised promoter - although the Bass rig he'd told me I'd have didn't work (!!) - Luckily he was able to get hold of an Ampeg 312 and 8 x 10 cab for the show - which was nice.

Here are some pics of our audience:

A great time was had by all......


Saturday night at the Cheese and Grain at Frome supporting Wishbone Ash. We had a great time and the place was rammed. Sound crew were gentlemen and we had everything we asked for. I wish I could do more like this.

  • 2 weeks later...

Not quite last night but last Saturday at the Barge in Brighouse with my new band EMPRESS.

Only formed 6 weeks ago with the singer from my function band and a couple of other guys who I had never met before.

The first rehearsal went so well that we took a gig offer that night giving us 6 weeks to learn two sets and encores ( 26 songs )

Well we managed to pull it off with not too many mistakes but I really felt out of the comfort zone of the function band ( four years and about 130 gigs together ) but that is the reason I did it as I was getting stale.

We have our second gig this Sunday with a rehearsal planned for later today so hopefully we can make some improvements

Big thanks to Jon from Angel of Sin ( Adrenochrome on here ) for coming along and supporting us

Posted (edited)

Long booked wedding celebration gig in south Somerset last Saturday. It was our new boy's wedding so he was planning on braking rule 6b for wedding bands: "don't pull the bride" ..

This was not your average wedding gig though. They actually got legally married in January. This was the Druid Handfasting in a stone circle and celebration of the wedding. Very nice day. The bride got to wear her wedding dress again which is moe than most do, and she was wearing nice white and blue stars DM boots too :rolleyes: Their son enjoyed it too :lol: Young people these days eh?

Anyway our client, (remember he's our guitarist/keys player) only found out the day before that our electric Ceilidh band couldn't play in the marquee as planned because of licencing restrictions (Doh!) Acoustic music only in the tent. So we were in a pretty small room inside. Hummmm Bit tight for ceilidh dancing ....

All went well, the Bridegroom got up for a couple, as did his dad who turned out to play in a 60's rock covers band :D Dad also spilled the beans about our lad who, it turns out, once came second in a "how many instruments can you play Smoke on the Water on?" competition.. He only managed 35 or so... Also turns out the he once taught a few bass master classes .... Yup, I play in a band where the two guitarists/keys also play bass .. Handy for when I get things wrong :)

Good gig in the end and the crowd apreciated the band's willingness to have a go at anything they shouted out, and half of Dad's set.. ;)

Some nice comments aftewards about my bass playing. Turns out the crowd had a fair few bass players in it. Nice to be noticed at all and to be complimented by fellow basists ... Little rosy glow there ..:rolleyes:

I've yet to ask Dai if he scored but as he'd been married 5 months by then I doubt it somehow :D

Edited by OldGit

Jam session... So loud my ears are still ringing ..

TE bass stack so I couldn't hear a note but was terribly loud 10 feet away fine if you know the tune but not for jam sessions ..

I got drafted in for Watch Tower, Hey joe and Wish you were here. No problem except everyone was so loud I couldn't hear anyone and the good drummer got down as I got up :)
The drummer on my stint obviously couldn't hear anything either as the snare on Hey Joe was on "1 and" .. and I don't think he was being funky ...

Young guitarist who got up to play Watch Tower had tuned his guitar to itself and not the world so I had to swiftly tune up a hemisemi tone whilst playing ..

Now normally I like jam sessions but this was just not a happy gig all round amd ended with the the organiser and his usual house band bass player having a nose to nose yelling row. "You threw FOOD at me!!!" it went .. then she packed and stormed out to choruses of "he threw FOOD at her" :rolleyes:

Last people up were a three piece group who ripped through SRV's version of Superstition with some stonking bass playing. I plugged my ears and stayed for that :lol:

The evening was topped off when I saw a car career into one waiting at lights on the way home. Looked pretty serious.. nasty.


[quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='483058' date='May 8 2009, 04:27 PM']Played a gig last night.
Crowd numbered about seven
Four were the other band.


Sounds like you need to work on your entertainment and marketing factors ...


played in Andover last night with our mates Brontide (www.myspace.com/brontidetheband)

usually playing Andover makes me want to quit music all together but last night was super fun, really bloody, really crazy, good sized crowd and we all got free entry into the strip club afterwards Wuheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Toasted' post='483005' date='May 8 2009, 03:18 PM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdWx0s_RKUs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdWx0s_RKUs[/url]

Like it. I hate to say it but I thought it was a Behringer T-shirt you had on at the beginning!

Edited by johnnylager

Considering we have just had six weeks off and not got together in the meantime - so the evening started with "Hello. I'm Alan. Who are you?" etc. - it was a good night.

The regulars all buggered off on a Wild West night before we had even started :) , but we had a good crowd who come to see us regularly so not an awful band outnumbering the crowd night. :rolleyes:

Drummer & I get very twitchy not playing on a long lay off, but sometimes it is nice because everything is fresh when we get back.

A few alien abduction moments but generally it went well and was tight, possibly not as a gnats chuff, but close. That despite my promises to myself to play along to the multitracks from the last gig with the bass muted so I remembered everything and then completely failing to do so.

Shame it was the last of two gigs I got at a new place so I shall have to wait 'tilSeptember to try to book something for next year.

Realised it was a full moon on the way home last night, so I should have been howling, but actually after a good night back I went home with a happy buzz....................which was nice


Charity gig. Great set up with a hired in lighting rig but despite playing a big range of stuff from Brown Eyed Girl to Basket Case, it never really sparked off. Most of the people hadn't seen each other for 10 years so spent the night chatting and catching up rather than dancing. Even the DJ couldn't lure em up. :)


Basildon Womens Hockey Club Party......... MY GOD.

those lasses have some legs on 'em.

Dripping with snatch, always a sign of a good night.......................


Good one on Saturday at a Rugby Club in Hertfordshire (end of season awards night).

Got there at 3, set up and soundchecked by 4pm (good for us). The rest of the band went to the pub over the road while I went to see my Mum who lives about 5 miles away.

Back at the club at 7.30pm for our free 3 course dinner and then listened to some of the funniest speeches I've heard in ages.

We were due to go on at 9pm but due to the awards running on (and on and on....) it was nearer 10 by the time we started.

We went down a storm during the first set and had everyone up dancing before we even got to the first chorus.

The second set went even better apart from our monitors packing up half way through. Vocal harmonies? More like a couple of Whales flirting outrageously, due to us not being able to hear anything between us. Did anybody notice? Doubt it.

Still, we got another booking out of it, possibly a birthday party too and I've been roped in to playing for them next week :)

Note to self; just say NO.

Posted (edited)

Riga Music, Southend - also not quite last night, but last Friday is recent enough I suppose...

First gig with new keyboard player, so all a little apprehensive. Needn't have been though, as we delivered one of our best ever performances. Even the two former members who had come along to pick holes left suitably impressed. Such a shame there were so few people there to hear it, but with local band Dr Feelgood playing nearby, we were on a hiding to nothing. Still, everyone got a real injection of enthusiasm from just how good it all worked. Sound (provided by the venue) was excellent too. Hopefully we'll have a bigger turnout for our return there in December.

Edited by jonsmith

Sunday night was second gig with new band EMPRESS at the Cross keys in Morley near Leeds

The pub is a great live venue with a recently built spacious stage area and the difference in confidence and playing etc from our first gig was immense.

It was an early ( 6.30 ) start and as the pub are encouraging families to come along I took my girls ( 7, 9, 12 ). Half way through Muse's reasonably bass intense Plug In Baby my 9 year old walked on stage with with a bag of recently acquired sweets indicating for me to take one. She stood there quite perplexed as I tried to tell her that "no, dad didn't want one", a minute or so later she left the stage very puzzled as this was the only time in her life she has witnessed her dad refusing food !!

Two weddings this weekend with SOUL7 bring it on !!


Played the 2nd round of this surface unsigned competition and got through :) Was such a great night, we were 1st on so we could drink and watch the rest of the bands play.
Everyone was really good and was a really fun night in general but now its off to the semi-finals for this competition :rolleyes:
Cannot wait!

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