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On 30/03/2024 at 16:10, ossyrocks said:

It was the first gig of the new blues band last night - The Out and Out Blues band - https://theoutandouts.com/

The Gregson Centre in Lancaster, four bands on, fundraiser for the Gregson and Lancaster Music Co-op.

We were first on at 7.30pm and did a 45 minute set. A decent crowd, and very appreciative, we went down very well, and I even got them singing with us at the end, at 8.15pm!

The other bands were great too, and there was a lot of comradery amongst the musicians. I used someone else's rig, Mark Bass 1x12 combo with a 2x10 extension cab, with my '73 P Bass.

We were very pleased with our performance, and it's probably the best "1st gig" I've ever played.

Now we have to work up the rest of the tunes for our first full 2 set gig on the 18th. 



(edit: now with a pic!)

Gregson Centre Gig.jpg

Ooh, Jalapeno drums.... how good/bad do they sound?


Yesterday we played the "All that is Devine IV" goth festival at The Fiddler's Elbow in Camden. A rare(r) electric gig for my band, Deadlight Dance. Knowing what a nightmare it is for parking, we blagged a 17yr old roadie and drove to Hounslow. The plan was to travel light (for us) and get the tube in to Chalk Farm.




Arriving at the venue, everyone was super friendly - absolutely no egos or divas across a five band bill. We opened and had a really good crowd. I was using the house Fender Rumble which is always a fairly tidy bit of kit. Adding Boss Bass overdrive and Super Chorus to my tone, my Rickenbacker sounded pretty amazing. We sold a few CDs and got paid due to healthy ticket sales. Nick (my professional other half & friend of nearly 35yrs) and I nipped over the road for a cheeky Katsu curry. One of the bands was all the way from Mexico and they wanted to share their culture with us - this meant doing shots of Tequila backstage later into the night. I don't think our 17yr old roadie had quite the stamina of the 50 / 51yr old band! I got to bed around 4am due to the clocks changing. I'd do it all again... so long as I can have a day or two to recover!



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45 minutes ago, Lozz196 said:

Sounds good Dave, the mention of Dunoon takes me back a few years to when we played there, was certainly a journey and a half!

Easy route is the ferry but you can drive the long way round up towards Loch Lomond. Not been there since a bike rally back in 2003 or thereabouts.

Its kind of went downhill since US pulled out of the area years ago.


44 minutes ago, mep said:

Nice one Dave. I've taken the ferry to / from Dunoon a couple if times on my bike during my Scotish tours. Good to hear it's name again. You guys get around. Keep it up.

We weren't in Dunoon. Just a couple that travelled from Dunoon to our gig in Falkirk area. Don't think i've ever taken the ferry over to Dunoon, always taken bike or car.

Most of our gigs are on the East Coast Scotland and most are within around an hrs drive for me but some like Arbroath its a 2.5hr drive. 

Central belt on East coast side up to Dundee area but that's mainly because our guitarist is from Perth so it makes sense staying to that side of the country.

Arbroath was a struggle coming home tho as wearing all the Glam gear you sweat a lot and then a 1.5hr pack up and load the cars add a 2.5hr drive and its quite tiresome. Our drummer is from Leadhills area so he has another 30mins more than me.

At 64 yrs old its getting harder to do these things even going to the gym 4 times a week :laugh1:


2 minutes ago, dmccombe7 said:

At 64 yrs old its getting harder to do these things even going to the gym 4 times a week :laugh1:


That's where you're going wrong - you do these things instead of going to the gym.  Gotta pick your battles... ;)


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21 minutes ago, neepheid said:


That's where you're going wrong - you do these things instead of going to the gym.  Gotta pick your battles... ;)


Without the gym i wouldn't be able to do some of the gigs we've had. I carry the large QSC 3-way 15" cabs and they are about 40Kg each. 3 yrs ago i simply couldn't have done that without stopping to catch my breath 2 secs after attempting a lift :laugh1:


Something i forgot to mention that on the drive home (1hr each way) i lost my focus on the road and was thinking about the gig and how it went. Missed my slip road at a T junction down towards the Hyndford bridge near Lanark and almost ended up thru the fence and down a 50ft embankment into a field but luckily no other traffic and managed a very fast 90 degree left turn on the main carriageway. Wasn't going very fast to be fair but its something we should all keep in mind the dangers of driving after a 3hr gig and then pack up and loading. Its a 10-12hr day for me going to a most gigs. Between the driving, load in, the glam gear, excessive heat in the venue, pack up and loading at the end and the drive home it becomes quite a hard shift and a long day.


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Happy Easter Everyone 


I haven't had a gig since 3/8. And no gigs acoustic or full band in April.  No communication either. However, the summer schedule looks busy.


This is the thing. I'm 30 years older then my band members.  I look at being in a band differently than they do. I'm a

" 1960s guy". Secondly the other members all have careers outside of the band.


Regardless I'm still in the best band I can be in. Jumping ship at this point would get me nowhere. 






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11 minutes ago, Bluewine said:

Happy Easter Everyone 


I haven't had a gig since 3/8. And no gigs acoustic or full band in April.  No communication either. However, the summer schedule looks busy.


This is the thing. I'm 30 years older then my band members.  I look at being in a band differently than they do. I'm a

" 1960s guy". Secondly the other members all have careers outside of the band.


Regardless I'm still in the best band I can be in. Jumping ship at this point would get me nowhere. 







Maybe think about a duo with someone that can pick up smaller gigs at short notice to fill the gaps?

14 minutes ago, Bluewine said:

Happy Easter Everyone 


I haven't had a gig since 3/8. And no gigs acoustic or full band in April.  No communication either. However, the summer schedule looks busy.


This is the thing. I'm 30 years older then my band members.  I look at being in a band differently than they do. I'm a

" 1960s guy". Secondly the other members all have careers outside of the band.


Regardless I'm still in the best band I can be in. Jumping ship at this point would get me nowhere. 






Looks like you have done pretty well so far this year, judging on your posts! I haven’t had a gig this year in either of the bands I play in but that has more to do with various of us having medical issues and people taking trips abroad.

Lack of communication on the other hand isn’t great. I wouldn’t jump ship though. If you really need cash, there must be plenty of other bands who would welcome an experienced bass player with existing commitments. Depping is also a good way to go IMO. You will probably have to learn new material and you get to play with other musicians, which is very rewarding (again IMO).

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We had a good first gig at a new venue just south of Blackheath (SE London). Nice early 8pm kick off and 2 x 45 sets for a very decent fee by pub gig standards. Bank holiday crowd was sparse but welcoming and supportive and, fingers crossed, we'll get asked back.

Our lead singer was away on hols, and I was giving a lift back to our regular dep vox, who's main band happened to be playing at a pub we were literally driving passed on the way home (they have a couple of line ups so its easy for her to swap out and she's keen to dep for us when the opp. arises). So we stopped by and popped in to support them.

Was great to meet her regular crew - really nice bunch and doing a good job. Band leader is a fellow bass player with some really good bass chops on him: The Spicy Notes at Blackheath

Nice end to an all-round good evening out! 

  • Like 9
1 hour ago, Bluewine said:

Happy Easter Everyone 


I haven't had a gig since 3/8. And no gigs acoustic or full band in April.  No communication either. However, the summer schedule looks busy.


This is the thing. I'm 30 years older then my band members.  I look at being in a band differently than they do. I'm a

" 1960s guy". Secondly the other members all have careers outside of the band.


Regardless I'm still in the best band I can be in. Jumping ship at this point would get me nowhere. 






I have no gigs in April either except for our drummers 65th birthday party where both our bands will play an hour set each. Its the same female singer, drummer and me in both bands.

The drummers mate owns a large 8 bedroom house that he rents for holidays. He lets him have it for weekend for free.

Other than that one singer is on hols start April and the other is away end April all planned around the birthday weekend of course. I live 25mins away and don't really bother drinking so i just drive home each night after the party time.


I also don't socialise with the band members outwith doing the gigs. Its difficult finding a band you will be happy in and not everything has to be 100% perfect in your head. You seem to enjoy playing with the bands so  i don't think walking away is a wise move both financially and the fact you would then be starting afresh looking for another band that might be full of a**h***s that will drive you up the proverbial wall.

So there isn't a lot of the "mates getting together" thing that was popular when we were younger but does that really matter. ?

Have you considered asking them to meet up for a coffee or a beer and a blether. Perhaps they don't want to pester you because of the age difference and who knows maybe they think you might not want to go for a beer or a coffee and prefer to keep yourself to yourself or even your own age group if that makes sense.

I know of several bands that only meet up for gigs, I'm quite happy with that TBH as i like my own company. I have other hobbies outwith the bands so i'm ok with it being a gig only thing.



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Posted (edited)

Gig in a new venue for us, The Black Horse in Whitwick and it went pretty well with the punters enjoying our set. Admonished by the landlady for not playing til 11.30 and a bit diss-chuffed that she came up to the stage pointing at her watch. Still, there was a stage of sorts and in-house lights. Second time out for two original songs penned by the band which were well received. I used my go-to bass & rig of Mike Lull P4 and Handbox R400 + Handbox cab with my now regular pedals consisting of a cheap n cheerful graphic EQ to dial out those booming notes + the good old Thumpinator. I might add a compressor in the future.

Next up for us is supporting The Phil Ashmore band at The Soundhouse, Leicester on April 14thFB_IMG_1711878360024.thumb.jpg.3bf7543a7b04621fbad63f13ce91e4ce.jpg

Edited by ricksterphil
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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, dmccombe7 said:

I know of several bands that only meet up for gigs,

One of the bands I'm in does this, although I am friendly with the BL as we've gigged for years in duos (and he runs a music shop and does mates rates). The other band (The Hulla) started as a social event rather than a band so it's the polar opposite. The drummer and I are outsiders in that we live 30 minutes away from the village in which the rest reside. Last year we had a pre-festival gig set up/soudcheck breakfast at a local eatery (we set up the stage, went for a late brekkie, then did the soundcheck), a Pie 'n' Mash night, several wine and cake events (some coinciding with rehearsals) and there's usually a carol concert on the beach (its a seaside village). Several members are also RNLI volunteers so there's often fundraisers for them which involve cake and wine. The rehearsals are very much social events at which we play music. And occasionally we do play a gig. 😀  

Edited by Franticsmurf
  • Like 4
17 minutes ago, dmccombe7 said:


I know of several bands that only meet up for gigs



My gigging band is like that Dave, we all get on well but the only time we get together is gigs, rehearsals, recording. Suits me fine, exactly what I want from a band.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Bluewine said:

Happy Easter Everyone 


I haven't had a gig since 3/8. And no gigs acoustic or full band in April.  No communication either. However, the summer schedule looks busy.


This is the thing. I'm 30 years older then my band members.  I look at being in a band differently than they do. I'm a

" 1960s guy". Secondly the other members all have careers outside of the band.


Regardless I'm still in the best band I can be in. Jumping ship at this point would get me nowhere. 







Happy Easter to you to Daryl and to our fellow BC'ers.


Yeah, I appreciate where you're coming from here. Personally I think it's really nice if bandmates can be both "band" and "mates". It feels a little too transactional / mercenary / cold for me if I'm giving up a Sat night with my missus and our friends in order to gig, if there's very little interaction or banter with my crew; doesn't actually have to be much but it makes all the difference to a night out if we have a catch up and laugh together between sets and at the end of the gig. Age doesn't necessarily have to be a barrier either - I've several bass chums where 2 or 3 decades can separate them from some of their bandmates age wise, but where there's still a close bond and connection.


Radio silence can definitely be a little disheartening - do you have a band WhatsApp group or similar?


Edited by Al Krow
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2 minutes ago, Al Krow said:


Happy Easter to you to Daryl and to our fellow BC'ers.


Yeah, I appreciate where you're coming from here. Personally I think it's really nice if bandmates can be both "band" and "mates". It feels a little too transactional / mercenary / cold for me if I'm giving up a Sat night to be with my missus and our friends in order to gig, if there's very little interaction or banter with my crew - doesn't actually have to be much but it makes all the difference to a night out if we have a catch up and laugh together between sets and at the end of the gig. Age doesn't necessarily have to be a barrier either - I've several bass chums where 2 or 3 decades can separate them from some of their bandmates age wise, but with whom there's still a close bond and connection.


Radio silence can definitely be a little disheartening - do you have a band WhatsApp group or similar?


Our drummer is something of a character, he's 6ft 4 and hefty and has more banter than a coach load of politicians. He works as a night club doorman and often works a full shift post gig. He has some lurid stories to tell, including getting bottled by the wife of someone he was throwing out. So band life is never dull and our WhatsApp could probably be turned into a mini-series.

  • Like 3
13 minutes ago, Al Krow said:




Radio silence can definitely be a little disheartening - do you have a band WhatsApp group or similar?




No, and my band suggestions never go anywhere. 


Here's another thing with age. Take a look at the attached pic. That's Bastille Days in Milwaukee.  We have a headliner spot this year at 8:30. Even 10 years ago I would be excited about this gig. Now I'm a little frightened by it. Look at the size of the crowd, you know they'll be a bunch of screwballs in that lot. I'm afraid of being in the city that late at night.






  • Like 3
17 minutes ago, ricksterphil said:


Our drummer is something of a character, he's 6ft 4 and hefty and has more banter than a coach load of politicians. He works as a night club doorman and often works a full shift post gig. He has some lurid stories to tell, including getting bottled by the wife of someone he was throwing out. So band life is never dull and our WhatsApp could probably be turned into a mini-series.

I hate to admit it .Most of our band hijinks evolve around alcohol ( I don't drink)l in someway or another. Like this past New Years when my girlfriend flashed our band leaders father.



  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, dmccombe7 said:


Have you considered asking them to meet up for a coffee or a beer and a blether. Perhaps they don't want to pester you because of the age difference and who knows maybe they think you might not want to go for a beer or a coffee and prefer to keep yourself to yourself or even your own age group if that makes sense.

I know of several bands that only meet up for gigs, I'm quite happy with that TBH as i like my own company. I have other hobbies outwith the bands so i'm ok with it being a gig only thing.






I love reading your comments.  We're always on the same page.


Get this, I have constant get togethers for coffee but not with the band leader. I have coffee with her parents. Great folks, but here's the thing. I'm older than her parents.


I can't seem to win. Lol

  • Haha 4
8 hours ago, Boodang said:

Ooh, Jalapeno drums.... how good/bad do they sound?

These drums are made by a guy very near where I live in Lancaster. A good number of drummers round here have his kits. Our drummer probably has two full kits of them, and there’s one in our rehearsal space too. They are well regarded amongst the local drumming fraternity. Dave does unusual things too, there’s a kit like a Russian doll, and it all goes into each other, down to the last (very heavy) drum.

  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, ossyrocks said:

A kit like a Russian doll, and it all goes into each other, down to the last (very heavy) drum.

I hate Russian Dolls - so full of themselves.

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Bit of an emotional one for us last night, it was the final gig for our original lineup. 😢 We've been together 13 years, we're all old friends that go way back, and it's been all good times and zero drama! The drummer and rhythm guitarist are taking a step back now though to focus on family and other commitments.


It was a fantastic gig to finish on though! The best live music venue in town, and it was packed! 😎👌




  • Like 26
Posted (edited)

Central Bournemouth show at the Poole Hill Brewery, one of the best live venues. First of three bookings this year for the Otis Jay Blues Band.

Sparsely populated to start with (playing 3-6) but fuller later. Had our original guitarist come visit - he isn’t in the best of health now - and was good to see him.

Audience changed halfway with an influx of would-be dancers so had to change set 3 to suit, but few noticed the repeats!

Played my Flea through an Elf and two Barefaced One10. While I’ve played the venue with one cab, the sound is so much better I’m a two-cab man now!


Edited by Mickeyboro
  • Like 20
12 hours ago, Bluewine said:



No, and my band suggestions never go anywhere. 


Here's another thing with age. Take a look at the attached pic. That's Bastille Days in Milwaukee.  We have a headliner spot this year at 8:30. Even 10 years ago I would be excited about this gig. Now I'm a little frightened by it. Look at the size of the crowd, you know they'll be a bunch of screwballs in that lot. I'm afraid of being in the city that late at night.






I remember reading somewhere from a band member that they only ever see the first couple of rows of an audience. I've played gigs like that where all i can see thru lights and smoke machine is the front row and had no idea how busy it was until the break and the stage lights went off.

I'm now at a ppoint with the Glam band that the audience size doesn't really make a difference. Most people are there for a fun / enjoyable night out so just look at the front row and enjoy it same as any other gig.

You'll be fine Daryl, you have more than enough experience in gigs that it wont even be an issue on the night.

Above all have fun, enjoy and appreciate the experience for what it is ........... a great gig.


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