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How was your gig last night?


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On 05/10/2024 at 08:36, bassbiscuits said:

Possibly my last gig at Leicester’s legendary music venue The Donkey. It’s changing hands next month and no certainty it will continue to host live music. 

We (the Andy Wales Band) stepped in last minute to do this gig, and there was a fairly good turn out of appreciative people including some unexpected old friends and familiar faces along the way. 

On a geeky note I was glad to be back to my Markbass head and cab after the last few gigs for which I’ve used an Ashdown head - nice sound, but just not for me.  

Bass is filthy and sweaty this morning - usually the sign of a good, loud, hot gig in my books. 



Yes, hopefully The Donkey will stay a music venue, we'll wait and see.


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Played a 40 minute set at the Oxjam Beeston Music Festival, which is an annual event featuring 100+ bands, solos and duos playing in 20 venues in Beeston, Nottingham, raising money for Oxfam.


We were in The Hope Pole pub which was rammed with punters all well lubricated and having a great time. 


We played sans drummer as he wasn't available and neither was our usual dep.


My rig was my Gallien Krueger MB150 with matching extension cab (both bought off here) and it stood up well and may become my go-to rig for small pub gigs. We DI'd it and the sound guy said 'that's a hot signal for such a little amp' My Lull P4 did the honours.


This is my fifth Oxjam Beeston with 2 different bands and it's always a blast. 


Pic is a screenshot of a video my mate shot


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Hurtsfall also played Oxjam Beeston yesterday. Our synth-driven post-punk/goth was sandwiched between a band doing covers of songs like "Fat-Bottomed Girls" in an Americana style and a sensitive acoustic folk duo. We were playing out doors so it was just as well that the forecast had changed from 40% chance of rain to sunny and some clouds. Compared with our recent gigs the sound on stage was a bit weedy, but at least we could hear the drums from the backing. There was a decent crowd  watching and although we couldn't persuade them the come any nearer to the front of the stage, they did appear to be enjoying us. The cover of "Enola Gay" went down well and caught the attention of a number of people walking past who then stayed to watch the rest of the set, and the timing of the set was just right so it started to get properly dark during our last two songs which added to the atmosphere. Even sold some of our new T-shirt designs - this was the first gig that we had them - which is a rarity for Oxjam where the focus is on donating to the charity rather buying band merch, and would have probably sold CD copies of our next single too, except despite being promised them for Friday, they still haven't been delivered.


There were a couple of professional-looking photographers in attendance, so hopefully some decent photos will show up on social media in the next couple of days.


We're back in more conventional (for us) surroundings on Thursday when we play at The Chapel in Nottingham supporting Byronic Sex & Exile.

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Played two gigs this weekend with my band Ruff Edge. One in McSorleys Glasgow City centre on Friday evening and as usual busy night,great punters and the band went down a storm! I have 3 more gigs to do with this band then I am leaving so it's been  nice that the last few weeks have been so good. Nice to end on a high. Contrast with Saturday night in Mavrix.Sports bar in nearby Hamilton. Usual leftovers from watching the football when we start up and it settles in to about 24 punters in the first half. We have a break and start back as a few more punters leave....ends up the last hour playing to 7 folk plus 3 bar staff. This is not the first time this has happened in this pub and before we started we spoke to a guy at the bar who actually plays this pub with his band and say's that's just the way it is with things! Well thankfully I won't be back in that pub. That was our 4th or 5th gig in the place so we gave it a good shot. Sadly and it seems the same for some other pubs we have tried recently,they look after you and the punters that are there say we are the best band that they have seen in the pub. Thankfully they are putting live music on but for how much longer. The band have decided to stick to a few of the better populated venues next year even if it means going out a lot less. I hopefully will be back out gigging after a break but to be honest if I see any of these venues that we have played in there diary it may well put me off!

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9 hours ago, Norris said:

I took my Rickenbacker……………… but had forgotten just how uncomfortable it was to play, despite the new pickup bezel. Well the bezel made it more comfortable around there, but the sharp bound edge still gets the inside of your forearm.


I had the same problem with my Guild Starfire but it was sorted by some stick on foam edge protector. The stuff you stick on sharp edged furniture to stop toddlers braining themselves. Available for not much from various online sources, including Bezos’ cash cow.

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A weird one last night in Blackwater, Surrey. Gig number 1 of a final 6 gig run in to folding the band up.


I decided a few months back to pack the band in - a combination of getting fed up with hauling tons of gear around every weekend, a dodgy back causing me days of discomfort after every gig, not getting any help with the backroom side of the band  (booking gigs and social media stuff) and a few niggling personal gripes within the band that weren't really fixable were the primary reasons behind the decision. It's been a blast for 15 years but it was getting to be the same old gigs/people/songs and I want my weekends back to do some travelling and other things before I get too old and health issues start biting.


I told the guys and offered to help source a new bass player with them but they decided that A -  I was too talented and good looking to replace or B - they couldn't be arsed with the whole breaking a new boy in thing so they decided to do a few gigs at our fave venues and then call it a day in December.


So we played in Surrey and had people from Margate and even France travelled over to say farewell with us. Humbled is the word....


We played really well even after an 8 week break due to summer hols and my Dad dying, the crowd were amazing and a couple of songs in I was beginning to wonder if i had made a poor decision. Then I did the pack up afterwards for an hour and a bit, did the long drive round the M25 home to Essex and realised I couldn't really face much more of that. 


So I guess I'll have 5 more gig reports to post and then thats me done. That's All Folks!!!

Edited by Mudpup
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33 minutes ago, Obrienp said:

I had the same problem with my Guild Starfire but it was sorted by some stick on foam edge protector. The stuff you stick on sharp edged furniture to stop toddlers braining themselves. Available for not much from various online sources, including Bezos’ cash cow.

I'm not sure that would fit the Rickenbacker aesthetic 😁


If I wasn't having some new windows fitted next week I might be looking closer at that converted 5-string 4004 Laredo in the for sale section and then possibly move on the 4003 😜

(Don't let Mrs Norris see that!)

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After a hectic three months with The Rebbels gigging two or three nights a week, we played the first of our three gig Farewell to 2024 tour. This wa so close to home that I could have walked the mile journey were it not for a shortage of hands and a fecking great hill. Its always a bit nervy playing the Legion in Broadstone (Poole) as it's my Saturday haunt when not gigging.


As some of you know our rhythm guitarist had a heart attack earlier in the year and frankly I don't think he is still up to it.  Of course as everyone at the club knows me, there was no reticence in feedback as in comments at the end.


Last week's band were definitely a bit rough round the edge but played a good third of our set of covers, disappointing an poor scheduling by the Ents Sec.  Never mind, I thought, we will show them. Apparently we did not. There were some very good songs but the rhythm guitarist's timing was all over the place, I have been noticing that the guitars were not playing in time a few gigs ago, they stand on opposite side of the stage and their amps beam straight ahead. WE have the equipment (or I do) to add two small fill monitors juts to get a small amount of each guitar on either side of the stage. We did it the last time we played a large stage


Anyway I had to dig in more and more to try to get them to hear where they should have been, I might as well have have tried semaphore on a blindman.  As the night went on and the RG became tired, it became worse. Ironically I was told we were tighter than the last week's  band but that they had a better balanced set and were preferred by many.  Some of these comments were quite candid and made to my other half, not directly to you. Sadly the comments were all close to what I have been thinking for a long time. There are five of us, the drummer and lead guitarist just enjoy playing although I know they think broadly as I do. The Lead singer, the only original member and DE-facto bandleader and RG both have very strong views and seem to balk at any changes. So two gigs and at least one rehearsal to save the band. 


At my age I do not need to feel so physically and mentally drained after a gig and if we were rehearsing today, I might chuck it in. however I will simmer down and try to calmly get my point across. We don't have anything booked after 15th November until June 2025 so if I jump they have over 6 months to get a new lowender.


One of our regular venues told us recently that we were not being booked for 2025 as they are "refreshing" their offering. My thought was we need to look at what we are doing wrong, the BL said "Their loss". So how do I say we were crap, the set list is pants?


Sorry rant over.

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If I'm not gigging I typically go to see one or two local bands at the weekend. Last night was worthy of mention. Somehow the chap at the club who has taken over bookings from my SO booked an originals band, guitar, sax, bass and a small drumkit. I wasn't expecting a lot, just something mellow.


Well the Albino Frogs were brilliant. A strong dose of Steely Dan, strong danceable tunes, excellent musicianship. Bass player had a nice Stingray direct into a well-adjusted Markbass head and BF super twin. He was glued to the drummer and played great jazz-funk lines with plenty of space and groove. But guitar/singern sax and drummer were all excellent too.


Despite the main competitor venue having a very good rock & roll band on, it was a busy night,  and I think virtually everyone stayed the night.


The band really appreciated the reception they got, and it demonstrated how people can be open to music the haven't heard before.


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2 hours ago, Mudpup said:

A weird one last night in Blackwater, Surrey. Gig number 1 of a final 6 gig run in to folding the band up.


I decided a few months back to pack the band in - a combination of getting fed up with hauling tons of gear around every weekend, a dodgy back causing me days of discomfort after every gig, not getting any help with the backroom side of the band  (booking gigs and social media stuff) and a few niggling personal gripes within the band that weren't really fixable were the primary reasons behind the decision. It's been a blast for 15 years but it was getting to be the same old gigs/people/songs and I want my weekends back to do some travelling and other things before I get too old and health issues start biting.


I told the guys and offered to help source a new bass player with them but they decided that A -  I was too talented and good looking to replace or B - they couldn't be arsed with the whole breaking a new boy in thing so they decided to do a few gigs at our fave venues than call it a day. 


So we played in Surrey and had people from Margate and even France travelled over to say farewell with us. Humbled is the word....


We played really well even after an 8 week break due to summer hols and my Dad dying, the crowd were amazing and a couple of songs in I was beginning to wonder if i had made a poor decision. Then I did the pack up afterwards for an hour and a bit, did the long drive round the M25 home to Essex and realised I couldn't really face much more of that. 


So I guess I'll have 5 more gig reports to post and then thats me done. That's All Folks!!!

Sorry to hear you're calling it a day with the band.

Don't know what age you are but i fully understand and appreciate your reasoning behind it so no point in offering suggested solutions but hopefully we'll still hear from you on BC @Mudpup. You need to do what's right for you.

I can only hope that like me you take a break and get back into playing again but with people around you that appreciate what you do and bring to a band.

All the best in whatever you do with your time off. You'll be back :biggrin:


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2 hours ago, Norris said:

I'm not sure that would fit the Rickenbacker aesthetic 😁


If I wasn't having some new windows fitted next week I might be looking closer at that converted 5-string 4004 Laredo in the for sale section and then possibly move on the 4003 😜

(Don't let Mrs Norris see that!)

I had no idea Rics had that kind of issue. Worth remembering if i ever decide to get another one.

I had a polar white Ric in 80's but i don't think it had the sharp edge binding and possibly more like the S version. Its the only bass i have no pics off. I didn't keep it long approx 6mths and moved it on as it didn't give me the tone i wanted at that time.


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3 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

If I'm not gigging I typically go to see one or two local bands at the weekend. Last night was worthy of mention. Somehow the chap at the club who has taken over bookings from my SO booked an originals band, guitar, sax, bass and a small drumkit. I wasn't expecting a lot, just something mellow.


Well the Albino Frogs were brilliant. A strong dose of Steely Dan, strong danceable tunes, excellent musicianship. Bass player had a nice Stingray direct into a well-adjusted Markbass head and BF super twin. He was glued to the drummer and played great jazz-funk lines with plenty of space and groove. But guitar/singern sax and drummer were all excellent too.


Despite the main competitor venue having a very good rock & roll band on, it was a busy night,  and I think virtually everyone stayed the night.


The band really appreciated the reception they got, and it demonstrated how people can be open to music the haven't heard before.


Would love to hear more bands doing that style of music. You just don't get it much these days.


Edited by dmccombe7
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2 hours ago, rwillett said:

My suggestion would be "we were crap, the set list is pants".


If you have two gigs and one rehearsal left, what do you have to lose. 


Of course the way you say it is important, but it needs to be said. 

100% my view as well. I couldn't just carry on knowing that something isn't working. Its one of the main reasons our punk band is failing and we are having "a break" to see how we feel about it all and if its worth carrying on. I personally think its finished TBH.

We've already had a friendly meeting at our singers house to openly discuss what we all think. Please note that we all get along really well and have no personal issues within the band so its easy to say what you really think and feel. 

Turns out the original member who we were worried about being a bit upset is the one that doesn't think its worth carrying on and i think once you get to that point its just not worth pushing it any further.


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4 minutes ago, scalpy said:

Not a gig as such but done the band call for Footloose. MD is a classical/ musicals kind of guy and has got the tempos right up, crazy fast.  Better do some work between now and the show run…

Skoosh for you :biggrin:

Good luck with it and keep us posted on it if you don't mind.


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13 hours ago, Bluewine said:


Been there more times than I care to admit. All it takes is one " cracking" gig for me to recover. 





Yeah - that was where a couple in their late 40’s sat right in front of the stage.


The woman sang along to “Compromise” a song we did a music video for - I thought she was related to the singer.


They listen to us daily apparently 🤯

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Interesting one last night. Tiny pub, a dep drummer, and I was strapped into ‘the appliance’


I have depped with the drummer before in other bands and knew he would be fine. The others were a little unsure beforehand going in with no rehearsal but all was fine. He lays into his kit a lot more than our normal drummer but knows what he’s doing and has feel so he and I had a talk through funnies for stops, tops & tails in the set and with that and me talking through cues during the set (while playing bass, singing bv’s and trying to stay upright much to the huge amusement of the WAGs) we made it through ok.


It is a tiny pub and originally we were going to be one guitarist down, but he made it in the end. It would have been very difficult with our usual drummer’s rack system but the dep has a more compact kit so we squeezed in just about.


I am three weeks into six weeks non weight bearing on my left ankle after an operation. It has been a bit of a trial, not painful just a PITA. Been living at my late mother’s house as there’s a Stannah and a wet room there which makes life easier. Been getting around the house on a Strideon kneeler scooter hired for the six weeks suggested by the physio at hospital before I was discharged. About  a week to ten days ago I found an advert for an iWalk 3.0 and ordered one which is great. Took very little time to get walking on it once it was put together and adjusted for height and I can heartily recommend it for anyone that may be in the same boat - in November it’ll be largely surplus to requirements and up for sale 😁


So with the new appliance strapped on I was able to do most of the gig standing. Only issue was towards the end of each set when my right leg started to go to sleep 😴 





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@Chienmortbb, @Mudpup and @dmccombe7 - there seems to be a good bit of calling it quits in the air at the moment, chaps.  My band has folded too, and I'm gutted.  My finger injury has forced a lay-off for me and I just want to get back in the saddle again.  I hope this run of bands folding is just an anomaly and not the shape of things to come.

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1 hour ago, dmccombe7 said:

I had no idea Rics had that kind of issue. Worth remembering if i ever decide to get another one.

I had a polar white Ric in 80's but i don't think it had the sharp edge binding and possibly more like the S version. Its the only bass i have no pics off. I didn't keep it long approx 6mths and moved it on as it didn't give me the tone i wanted at that time.


The non-S/CS 4003 basses are very much slab bodied. Look great, iconic, etc. but there are no arm or belly cuts

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Siren played The Pig and Whistle in Melksham last night, I’d forgotten just how small the set up is there, I’d been feeling rough all day and had dosed up on the Lemsip Max Strength but still felt awful.  Tried singing but that was out the question about 6 songs in, so quite nice just to be able to play without having to worry about singing, a reasonable sized crowd was there, lots of positive feedback from the punters, rebooked for next year and home for about 12:45.



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1 hour ago, Jackroadkill said:

@Chienmortbb, @Mudpup and @dmccombe7 - there seems to be a good bit of calling it quits in the air at the moment, chaps.  My band has folded too, and I'm gutted.  My finger injury has forced a lay-off for me and I just want to get back in the saddle again.  I hope this run of bands folding is just an anomaly and not the shape of things to come.

To be fair once i realised the punk band might fold i took up on an offer for another band and currently rehearsing with them so its not all doom and gloom for me. Just sad to see a good band fall away.

The new band being an 80's rock band with male and female singers much the same line up as our Glam band using same male singer and guitarist. Its like one big happy family that shares musicians here. :laugh1:

I've left the door open if the punk band still wants to do the odd festival or biker rally kind of gig for guys that are fans and tend to follow us.



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1 hour ago, Jackroadkill said:

@Chienmortbb, @Mudpup and @dmccombe7 - there seems to be a good bit of calling it quits in the air at the moment, chaps.  My band has folded too, and I'm gutted.  My finger injury has forced a lay-off for me and I just want to get back in the saddle again.  I hope this run of bands folding is just an anomaly and not the shape of things to come.

After reading @Thor's post I realised that I was feeling crap last night and singing was a struggle. Add that to the other issues and the better half suggests I don't do anything rash. Today I have a sore throat so that has to be taken into account. However the basic issues persist and will have to be addressed. Thanks for the support chaps.

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