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Plugging it all together...


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So... I've this:

And this:

And will be getting this very soon:

My question, maybe a stupid one, I know, is the best way to put it together, particularly the Blue Thunder and LH500.

For instance does one plug the pass into the effects then into the front-panel, or into the effects then into the FX return, or into the head then put the effects through the FX loop


Cheers! :)

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As long as you keep the gain under control there shouldn't be a problem. There's no reason you can't use two preamps.

I would assume the DI would include the effected sound, but I'm not 100% sure- the manual states that the DI is pre-EQ but doesn't mention the effects loop. Try it and see- you won't damage anything trying these different setups.

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Cheers, I'll try that as a first option.

I must admit that I did try this configuration with a Hartke 2515 and Line 6 Pod and it just overloaded like crazy :)

Maybe that's because it's more of an instrument 'lower level' effect as opposed to a loop effect?

Damn, playing bass for 28 years and I know jack sh...

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generally stompboxes are designed to feed in straight from instrument before pre-amp, rack effects are usually meant to go between pre- and post- gain stages (fx loop send/return), so if it has its own preamp you should make sure its not set on 11.
Digital multi-effects often have a choice of either config so people without fx send/rtn loops can still use them but they say you can lose the character of your preamp stage if you have digital effects before it.

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