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***SOLD*** Fender Classic Series 50's Precision ***SOLD***


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Not had this bass for too long. I have had a recend Iron Maiden phase and GASed for a nice P.....and that is exactly what this is.

Its only a few months old. Is one of the best P's I have played. However I was born with girly hands so cant really get used to the neck.

Its fitted with a Black pickguard but the original Gold anodized one will come with it. Its also been fitted with an American Deluxe bridge. The original will come with it.

[url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74989&hl="]Here[/url] is link to the thread i bought it from. I hope Andy dont mind me adding it.

I paid £450 about a month ago so would like close to that. So lets say £400 and its yours....But im open to reasonable offers. Comes with a fender gigbag, fender cable, original pickguard and bridge.

Not sure about trades as im gassing for a MM Sub thats for sale on here......

Some quick pics....The apple sticker can come off with no marks left behind :)

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A few interested in this but nothing firm yet.

The bass I would have bought if/when this sells has now gone so I'd consider trades. Either something Jazzy or something like a MM Sub....Im only interested in 4 strings (see above mention of girly hands).

I live in Romford, Essex. But work in Kings Cross/Angel/Old Street so can meet anywhere near those areas. I will post, but I dont really want to use paypal and pay their fees.

Edited by Magnolia
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