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Looking for gigs in Summer (YouTube vid of Basschatter's band)

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I am a regular contributer to Basschat (some of you may even have seen my useful advice and baffling questions, anywhoo) and my band De Soto Firefly are trying to arrange some gigs around the UK a bit this summer. We're pretty expreienced and have been playing a long time. We gig in Glasgow and the area regularly and have pretty much full backline available - sans PA :) . So hopefully if anyone puts on gigs or is thinking about arranging one then they'll give us consideration.

Anyways if yapped long enough. The website is www.desotofirefly.com and here is a wee linky to a live performance last week (sadly our projector didnt work, hence the blank screen behind us). Ignore the myspace, hasnt been updated in years and I dont think we play a single song on there anymore.

So here's the video, if you like it cool :rolleyes: . Cheers guys.


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