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Jump: Press A


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Come see Jump: Press A this Friday at Henry's Cellar along with a bevy of other female fronted bands in what's becoming an annual event down in the Cellar...the terribly named:

Rock Chick Night 3...Return of the Rock Chick Night....for the Third Time.....in Henry's Cellar! Ok so I made the title up but you get the idea!

Other bands will play but you'll only really wanna hear us :rolleyes:

We should be on between 11-11.30 depending on how smoothly things run.

Check out some of our tunes here: www.jumppressa.com

If you can make it do come over and say hello and we'll give you a little CD pack with stickers, our awesome sounding remastered demo (all done by us on one little mac) and the customary badge. Plus it's ALWAYS good to say hi to fellow BC'ers and have a geek out over gear :)


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