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The Major's Bass Boot Camp - Session 23

Getting started with Music Reading - in Bb Major

The key of Bb has 2 flats - Bb and Eb. You will see I have pinpointed them in the key signature on line 1, and also the first time each of these notes appears. As usual, the key sig applies to all octaves.

All 5 exercises are playable in the 1st position on Bass Guitar (half position on DB).

The one new feature is this Session (other than the key) is the inclusion of the crotchet rest. I guess it's fairly obvious, but to be clear:
The crotchet rest means that for one crotchet beat, you don't play.
The first one appears in bar 17. It's on the first beat of the bar, so just say to yourself "1" before you then go on to play from beat 2 onwards.


From now on I'm going to include some chordal accompaniment in these exercises, just to give a little added flavour to the proceedings !


Sometimes you will get 2 crotchet rests side by side in one bar. This will mainly be when they are on beats 2 and 3. If beats 1 and 2 (or 3 and 4) are rests, then a minim rest will be used. We'll look at that sign in a future Session.

The Major

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