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Barefaced Cabs


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Hi All,
Just a few lines to thank Alex Claber ( openly) for all the information and suggested mods to my 4x12 bass cab.

It started by me asking him if Barefaced Cabs make a 1x15 and 2x10 combined cab. The reply was no, but then he asked me why.

I informed him that the cab I had was not giving me enough "bottom " (mid`s and top ok ) , even though it was "tuned "as per instructions from Celestion - port length etc.

Alex asked me for the internal volume / speaker spec`s / port sizes / Head I was using etc, and within about an hour he got back to me, saying the port length was wrong, and suggested I mod them to the sizes he recommended.

I was GOB SMACKED after I modded the ports to his recommendations. The bottom end was there !



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