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I recently watched some Bass solo vid's on Youtube and I was suprised by how much they did NOT interest me.I feel like a traitor to bass players everywhere.I found I did'nt get off on extra fast shredding,or two hand taps.Slap by Wooten,sorry,not for me.I'm more impressed by a good groove or run in a song.I know that I will get some flak for this but I feel its time to come clean;to me bass is supportive.


[quote name='lee4' post='95796' date='Nov 28 2007, 08:57 PM']I recently watched some Bass solo vid's on Youtube and I was suprised by how much they did NOT interest me.I feel like a traitor to bass players everywhere.I found I did'nt get off on extra fast shredding,or two hand taps.Slap by Wooten,sorry,not for me.I'm more impressed by a good groove or run in a song.I know that I will get some flak for this but I feel its time to come clean;to me bass is supportive.[/quote]

I would broadly speaking agree... A lot of YouTube fodder is really dull...

To me bass guitar is an ensemble instrument, barring the odd (short) solo.

ERB's are a seperate issue, being a real solo instrument in certain contexts.

But frantic tapping/slapping/shredding just doesn't sound interesting to me.

Give me Norman Watt Roy over Mark King anyday ;-) (awaits flames...)


[quote name='David Nimrod' post='95805' date='Nov 28 2007, 09:09 PM']I would broadly speaking agree... A lot of YouTube fodder is really dull...

To me bass guitar is an ensemble instrument, barring the odd (short) solo.

ERB's are a seperate issue, being a real solo instrument in certain contexts.

But frantic tapping/slapping/shredding just doesn't sound interesting to me.

Give me Norman Watt Roy over Mark King anyday ;-) (awaits flames...)[/quote]

+0.5 :) ERBs don't have much more range than 4-strings; even a 9-string only has about 150% the range of a 4-string - I don't really try to play my 7-string as a solo instrument any moreso than I do with 4 or 5 strings
I do agree with you otherwise, though - I didn't become a bassist so I could play solos... I love a groovy bass run and occasionally a short solo (but not without other instruments on one or both ends and not as a way of saying "check out my bass skillzzz, n00b")
In short, if it doesn't groove, get rid of it


[quote name='lee4' post='95796' date='Nov 28 2007, 08:57 PM']I recently watched some Bass solo vid's on Youtube and I was suprised by how much they did NOT interest me.I feel like a traitor to bass players everywhere.I found I did'nt get off on extra fast shredding,or two hand taps.Slap by Wooten,sorry,not for me.I'm more impressed by a good groove or run in a song.I know that I will get some flak for this but I feel its time to come clean;to me bass is supportive.[/quote]

I agree with you too. All the flash noodling for the sake of it leaves me pretty underwhelmed, and I don't think most bass players aspire to that sort of playing so I don't think you're being a traitor.

What really impresses me though is when the bass player is playing melodically, yet it makes the song. For instance a lot of James Jamerson's playing is almost like a bass solo all the way through the song, but it never sounds like overplaying.


I like to keep the bottom end and do what the song requires.

But I also like to kick on some distortion and play ridiculously fast for no apparent reason.

But as a bass player, I like to explore all techniques and find out what the instrument, and myself, are capable of.


[quote name='lee4' post='95796' date='Nov 28 2007, 08:57 PM']I recently watched some Bass solo vid's on Youtube and I was suprised by how much they did NOT interest me.I feel like a traitor to bass players everywhere.I found I did'nt get off on extra fast shredding,or two hand taps.Slap by Wooten,sorry,not for me.I'm more impressed by a good groove or run in a song.I know that I will get some flak for this but I feel its time to come clean;to me bass is supportive.[/quote]

Then dont watch 'em.


[quote name='lee4' post='95796' date='Nov 28 2007, 08:57 PM']I recently watched some Bass solo vid's on Youtube and I was suprised by how much they did NOT interest me.I feel like a traitor to bass players everywhere.I found I did'nt get off on extra fast shredding,or two hand taps.Slap by Wooten,sorry,not for me.I'm more impressed by a good groove or run in a song.I know that I will get some flak for this but I feel its time to come clean;to me bass is supportive.[/quote]

I'm glad you said this. I've felt the same for a long time. You can't help but admire some of these people's skills, but some/most of it leaves me completely unmoved.



[quote name='PaulMartin' post='95823' date='Nov 28 2007, 09:48 PM']... a lot of James Jamerson's playing is almost like a bass solo all the way through the song, but it never sounds like overplaying.[/quote]

No matter how many times I hear songs with James Jamerson playing on them, I'll never tire of hearing them.

Yet, despite me learning to slap via Mark King, a lot of it just sounds tedious and tiresome now. Some of Mark King's best work was the songs where he "underplayed".


[quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='95932' date='Nov 29 2007, 01:46 AM']Some of Mark King's best work was the songs where he "underplayed".[/quote]

And where he *didn't* slap... finger funk sounded so much more satisfying.


[quote name='lee4' post='95796' date='Nov 28 2007, 08:57 PM']I recently watched some Bass solo vid's on Youtube and I was suprised by how much they did NOT interest me.I feel like a traitor to bass players everywhere.I found I did'nt get off on extra fast shredding,or two hand taps.Slap by Wooten,sorry,not for me.I'm more impressed by a good groove or run in a song.I know that I will get some flak for this but I feel its time to come clean;to me bass is supportive.[/quote]

Amen to all of that. Couldn't agree more.....


[quote name='lee4' post='95796' date='Nov 28 2007, 08:57 PM']I recently watched some Bass solo vid's on Youtube and I was suprised by how much they did NOT interest me.I feel like a traitor to bass players everywhere.I found I did'nt get off on extra fast shredding,or two hand taps.Slap by Wooten,sorry,not for me.I'm more impressed by a good groove or run in a song.I know that I will get some flak for this but I feel its time to come clean;to me bass is supportive.[/quote]

yip, i totally agree as well.


[quote name='David Nimrod' post='95805' date='Nov 28 2007, 09:09 PM']Give me Norman Watt Roy over Mark King anyday ;-) (awaits flames...)[/quote]

Perfect examples. Can't help with the flames I'm afraid.


I'm another one - and it's not due to my own lack of skills (I admit I can't play like that!), it's just that I have no interest in it. All of my favourite guitarists that I've played with are the ones who might be slightly 'limited' technically (i.e. not a solo/shredding w***er) but just create something that suits the song - often giving it far more thought than just which mode to w*** in.


I have also tried to get into the type of players mentioned in this thread.

I once even bought a Marcus Miller album and returned because it just didn't do anything for me. The Sheryl Crow album I exchanged it for was great though and this was before she switched to bass! I've still got a CD that came with Bassist years ago that is all solo bass stuff but I just can't sit and listen to it.

It's fair enough to say that we shouldn't watch these clips on YouTube but some of us have tried to get into this sort of thing, it almost feels like it is our duty as a bassist to try and appreciate such music. At least we've tried though!


[quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='95932' date='Nov 29 2007, 01:46 AM']Some of Mark King's best work was the songs where he "underplayed".[/quote]

yeah, playing for the song.
I picked up a Level42 compilation a few months back, and although "heaven in my hands" is a good song, Mark King's slapping underneath it doesn't fit in that context.
it's odd why he didn't play fingerstyle like he did on the Chinese way, the sun goes down or Starchild, as that would have fit a lot better-
slapping on that song sounds like he's doing it just to keep his slap trademark in there.


Theres a place for all of it methinks. I can understand why people don't like some of the insane bass stuff. It does however, mean we're pushing a relatively young instrument forward... I'm all for progression - not preservation. Yeah, Jamerson was absolutely amazing but if he had seen Victor play, i'm sure he'd say - wow!

I have a horrible feeling that some (not all) people don't like the bass gymnasts because of their own playing insecurities though...

Playing grooves certainly pays the bills but I think chops are a necessary part of being a musician. Didn't do Jaco any harm...

The problem with most people who do that stuff is, they can't shut it off. I wouldn't book Dave Weckl on drums for a straight ahead Covers gig because I don't think he would play Mustang Sally as the punters would want...! (That last bit made sense in my head...)


Posted (edited)

[quote name='David Nimrod' post='95805' date='Nov 28 2007, 09:09 PM']Give me Norman Watt Roy over Mark King anyday ;-) (awaits flames...)[/quote]

No flames, but a little smoke.

Mark King is one of the few players that did more to show Joe Public that the Bass can be played in this way than anyone else. Most people think that Bass is just there there to go bum de bum de bum !!!!! Mark changed that, and I think he was also responsible for inspiring a lot of people to take up bass who maybe would never have bothered.

Never got into Victor Wooten and I never will. Marcus Miller is a different matter though, pure class. Same goes for Norman Watt Roy.

Edited by Johngh
Posted (edited)

[quote name='Nate' post='96097' date='Nov 29 2007, 12:38 PM']I have a horrible feeling that some (not all) people don't like the bass gymnasts because of their own playing insecurities though...[/quote]

yeah, it's an easy excuse to get out of learning theory, learning scales etc- I've been in bands with guitarists who sneer at technically advanced players when their own playing could benefit greatly from some practice and learning to expand their capabilities.

re. my own technique, i can't do double-thumbing, but then i have no intention to learn it either because the sound of it does nothing for me- ie. for fast playing i'd rather do it fingerstyle for tonal reasons.

Edited by SJA

[quote name='wateroftyne' post='96051' date='Nov 29 2007, 12:33 PM']Victor Wooten clips just makes me giggle a bit. I'd rather watch some Kenny G. Only just, mind you.[/quote]


Now I´m not a fan of Wooten at all but Kenny G.?!?

[url="http://www.thedeadkennygs.com/"]Nuff said.[/url] :huh:

On topic:

There´s plenty of beautiful, un-w*nky solo bass stuff out there IMHO. Just plain good music which happens to be played on a bass.

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZH99St4HGk&feature=related"]Jeff Schmidt[/url], for instance.


[quote name='Johngh' post='96105' date='Nov 29 2007, 12:52 PM']No flames, but a little smoke.

Mark King is one of the few players that did more to show Joe Public that the Bass can be played in this way than anyone else.[/quote]

I think you've hit the nail on the head...

MK is more impressive to Joe Public than to he is most bass players.

I'm not denying his skill or his influence, it just gets tiring to listen to.

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