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Musicman 5 string alternatives?


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So, i may have concluded that Musicmans are again, not for me. I cant get on with the narrow string spacing, but i love the Musicman sound!

So i am after a 34" 5 string with maple fingerboard and Musicman pup (at the musicman sweetspot)

Any ideas guys?

Rob :)

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I didnt think the strings were narrow when I tested a Ray 5.....but a Warwick 5 Streamer $$ I tried had REALLY tight spacing.

I did a lot of research on 5 strings, and everyone I asked with a Musicman 5 said it just becomes second nature after a while. I tried a few Laklands down the line (they have WIDDDEEE spacing) I think they would be an idea for you...but they are 35" and no MM pups im afraid.

I say keep at it with the MM spacing, youll get used to it.

Sandberg might be an idea.

The problem is, nothing sounds like a MM to me, at all. No Humbucker seems the same and no pre...if you want the MM tone dead on its gonna have to be a MM...IMO.

Sorry I cant help...keep at it with the Bongo! Id love a Bongo....one day.

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