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Over the past 6 months or so the appeal of a precision bass has pipped my interest. Probably from playing my buzzard and really liking what p pups can do and the sound they give. Unfortunately the buzzard is Warwick and although it can get p bass feel to the sound its never going to be a pbass - so i've been looking into getting one but fender esque basses are very much out of my comfort zone - too much time on the Warwick forum i think!

First i know i want a precision with a maple FB but thats about it.

Just looking at the fender site with all the various p basses and reissues and roadworns - then couple that with the whole MIM MIJ, MIA basses i'm really at a loss as to where to start. I'm going to have to play some at some point but before then i want to do my homework so i'm at least clued in as to what to expect from the basses what to look for and how to make sure i'm getting a great bass.

I've still got all my preconceptions about fender and the QA and getting some duff basses and some amazing basses - is MIA the way to go or is there more consitency in the MIJ basses?

Any models that are particularly great? Do you notice any differences between the RI models /roadworn's compared to the standard pbass?

I'm pretty much looking for a great pbass - that does all the classic pbass things.

I realize this is a lot to ask but after reading a lot about pbasses i've just ended up with more questions that answers...and thought it was a good time to actaully ask some questions!



You really need to go and play a few to get an idea of what you want. Im a Precision man through and through and however much I'd love a 50's or 60's P bass I know that the flat wide necks would just not suit my sausage fingers so they're immediately out of the equation. Ive got two 70's Precisions that fit the bill perfectly for me, neck, weight, colour, feel etc but its taken many to get to this stage.


[quote name='stinson' post='889449' date='Jul 8 2010, 12:41 PM']You really need to go and play a few to get an idea of what you want. Im a Precision man through and through and however much I'd love a 50's or 60's P bass I know that the flat wide necks would just not suit my sausage fingers so they're immediately out of the equation. Ive got two 70's Precisions that fit the bill perfectly for me, neck, weight, colour, feel etc but its taken many to get to this stage.[/quote]

As you`ll see from my signature, I`m a Precision Man, so happy to offer my view on this. As with all things, its going to depend on how much you have to spend, but as a start-off, you won`t go far wrong with looking through the Basses For Sale on here, and picking up a 2nd hand American Standard. Recently they`ve gone for between £500 - £650, some inc hard-case, compared with £400 new for a Mex. In my last 2 band practices I used first my Mex P-Bass, then the USA - the difference in authoritative bottom end from the US was amazing. Felt, as well as heard!

And with getting a US Standard 2nd-hand, if you later realise there are certain features you want, such as 50s neck, different finish, or a P/J pickup configuration, the resale value of yr Standard will be roughly the same as what you paid for it. Both my US Standards were 2nd-hand, and they are fantastic instruments.


Thanks for the replies.

As for budget well it really depends on the bass, i could quite happily fork over £1000 if the right bass came along and it justified the price tag. Ideally though somewhere in the second hand market around £500 - £800 would be more my comfort zone but i'm fully aware a good bass might set me back a little. So in this respect i'm all about the bass i'd rather get it as close to or perfect first time.

Its also highly likely that i'll be putting in a nordstand p pickup into it as i've got a set in my buzzard and they are fantastic.

Lets say i'm just going to focus on an American standard. I hear that fender have vastly improved their quality control, has anyone had a chance to play a few of these? Is i best that i go out an try every single bass i can get my hands on or would playing a couple - and maybe a few different models be sufficient. Is there anything besides the normal checks for buying a bass that i should particular look out?

Also limiting myself to just fenders - should i look elsewhere into the higher end fender copies?


[quote name='EvilSmile' post='889522' date='Jul 8 2010, 02:05 PM']Thanks for the replies.

As for budget well it really depends on the bass, i could quite happily fork over £1000 if the right bass came along and it justified the price tag. Ideally though somewhere in the second hand market around £500 - £800 would be more my comfort zone but i'm fully aware a good bass might set me back a little. So in this respect i'm all about the bass i'd rather get it as close to or perfect first time.

Its also highly likely that i'll be putting in a nordstand p pickup into it as i've got a set in my buzzard and they are fantastic.

Lets say i'm just going to focus on an American standard. I hear that fender have vastly improved their quality control, has anyone had a chance to play a few of these? Is i best that i go out an try every single bass i can get my hands on or would playing a couple - and maybe a few different models be sufficient. Is there anything besides the normal checks for buying a bass that i should particular look out?

Also limiting myself to just fenders - should i look elsewhere into the higher end fender copies?[/quote]
Well with that kind of sum available, you should be able to get something very good indeed.

I`ve not been fortunate enough to play an 08 onwards US Standard, but I`ve not seen a bad word written about them. Considering how highly I rate my US Precisions, if the 08 onwards models really are that much better, which seems to be the general opinion, well they must be very good indeed.

Another Precision to look at, considering the funds available, is the 57 Reissue. I`ve got the Fender Mex Classic 50s version, which I rate very highly (I`ve reviewed it here on Basschat) - so the actual 57 reissue itself should be very good. Word of caution though, the neck is rather large, may not suit everyone.


after 25 years of playing just about every precision on the face of the earth from MIJ's CIJ's MIM and MIA's from 70's onwards I'd say the early CIJ's are the best followed by the MIJ's then MIA's but they do vary a hell of a lot especially the 70's and 80's instruments - 90's are a bit better and later ones do seem to be good - I'm just not convinced they're as good as the amount they charge these days!

Anyway ethel over there <- is an early CIJ and superb but I've sold all my other P basses now and use a Lakland Duck Dunn SE (not the Duck Dunn they sell these days) - it's essentially a Bob Glaub witha few bits and pieces but the different in sound and quality to fenders is astounding - throrougly recommend you check them out


[quote name='Lozz196' post='889547' date='Jul 8 2010, 02:27 PM']Another Precision to look at, considering the funds available, is the 57 Reissue. I`ve got the Fender Mex Classic 50s version, which I rate very highly (I`ve reviewed it here on Basschat) - so the actual 57 reissue itself should be very good. Word of caution though, the neck is rather large, may not suit everyone.[/quote]

I bought a US '57 RI last year and it's a very well balanced instrument. The body is very solid; not too heavy or light. It performs well tone-wise whether you're fretting at the nut or at the dusty end, whether you play towards the neck or bridge, and whether you play fingerstyle or with a pick. I'd imagine it would also give an excellent slap tone (although it's not really a technique i've ever needed to use).

I used to play an MIM Jazz, but was looking for something that had an added bite to really cut through the mix whilst retaining a well rounded bottom end sound; the '57 RI does the job perfectly.


[quote name='WILD FROG SHOT' post='889627' date='Jul 8 2010, 04:03 PM']I'd imagine it would also give an excellent slap tone (although it's not really a technique i've ever needed to use).[/quote]

Lack of slap bass is what has been holding back your band all this time.


You could do a lot worse than to get a Lakland Glaub. I realise that they're rosewood 'boards but they're really good and we have one for sale here on BC [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=93886&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=93886&hl=[/url] If I wasn't already Peed up (?) I would be looking at this.


[quote name='EvilSmile' post='889522' date='Jul 8 2010, 02:05 PM']Thanks for the replies.

As for budget well it really depends on the bass, i could quite happily fork over £1000 if the right bass came along and it justified the price tag. Ideally though somewhere in the second hand market around £500 - £800 would be more my comfort zone but i'm fully aware a good bass might set me back a little. So in this respect i'm all about the bass i'd rather get it as close to or perfect first time.

Its also highly likely that i'll be putting in a nordstand p pickup into it as i've got a set in my buzzard and they are fantastic.

Lets say i'm just going to focus on an American standard. I hear that fender have vastly improved their quality control, has anyone had a chance to play a few of these? Is i best that i go out an try every single bass i can get my hands on or would playing a couple - and maybe a few different models be sufficient. Is there anything besides the normal checks for buying a bass that i should particular look out?

Also limiting myself to just fenders - should i look elsewhere into the higher end fender copies?[/quote]

Is this not what you are looking for (OK board is rosewood!)? - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=91149"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=91149[/url]

Saves you money straight away as the Nordstrands are installed!

Posted (edited)

[quote name='warwickhunt' post='889657' date='Jul 8 2010, 04:33 PM']Is this not what you are looking for (OK board is rosewood!)? - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=91149"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=91149[/url]

Saves you money straight away as the Nordstrands are installed![/quote]

Haha i'm sticking firm on the maple FB although it did tempt me but i like the snap that a maple FB gives too much to compromise on it.

Again thanks for the insight everyone, feeling a lot less overwhelmed by it all.

I think keeping my eye out on the second hand section and just try and track down as many precisions to try.

My short list is a Standard MIA/MIJ and a 57 Reissue - but just giving everything a test spin would seem the most logical thing to do as i know i have no idea what i really like!

Edited by EvilSmile

Ive had a fair few. MIJs are great, but the pickups are a little thin sounding compared to the MIA range although some models have US pickups. Dont get me wrong, the MIJ/CIJ basses are great for the price (or used to be before they became expensive), but I wouldnt take one over the new MIA basses.

The new 08 onwards Ps are pretty much spot on. I was looking at what I can get thats 'above' the latest MIA 2008-on range, and if you want the Fender sound/feel, there is no point getting anything else. I was asked to write a list about what I dont like about my Ps, and if im honest I couldnt really say anything.

If you check the bass over and make sure its a good example, you will have a fantastic Precision.

The new maple boards are lovelyyyyy! Seriously smooth and look great. Rolled edges as well and more attention on the frets.

If you check the Fender site you can find all the other upgrades. I wouldnt change a thing apart from the strings every now and then, as the bridges and pups are fantastic. Possibly the most noticable addition is the high quality hard case.

All this for approx. £830. They may be creeping up in price now though.


[quote name='EvilSmile' post='889861' date='Jul 8 2010, 09:03 PM']i like the snap that a maple FB gives too much to compromise on it.[/quote]

Your not alone there! :)


Don't write off the CIJ/MIJ basses.

If you can track down one of the not-for-export Japanese basses, you get Japanese quality control plus US pickups and electrics, usually for less than the cost of MIA basses. Getting them new is a challenge now that Ishibashi isn't allowed to export them, but there are some second hand options.

I have a '70s re-issue not-for-export from 2002-2004 with ash body and maple board, which came from Far East Guitars. It's identical to this one. [url="http://www.fareastguitars.co.uk/usedpb1.htm"]http://www.fareastguitars.co.uk/usedpb1.htm[/url]

I'm obviously biased, but it's the best Precision I've played.

Posted (edited)

I've had a fair few P basses in my time. I like the older styles so my keeper Fender is a modded MIJ 62 re-issue which is a fine.
The Japanese re-issue necks are not as aircraft carrier wide as the originals or the US made accurate re-issues. The 62 and 57 MIJ/CIJ are 40mm (where as an original is pushing 44mm - even my big fat fingers fall down the gaps between the strings on those :) )
the 70's style Japanese re-issues have a slightly less wide neck.
As per all of these things though, you'd be best to try a few.

I have a (non-export) MIJ 57 with US pickups and maple board for sale, however if you have the wherewithal you most certainly should try the [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/jjpb.htm"]Jon Shuker Jean Jacques Burnel (JJB). [/url] Stonkin' "super P" bass and a maple board.
Ask Clarky for an opinion..
There's a few other JJB owners on BC and you are not that far from Jon's workshop. The Shuker custom JJB pickup is really rather special.

Meanwhile if I can interest you in my Black PB57US let me know. :rolleyes:

Oh and as Pete has just said, the non-export ones like my ones seem to be of a much better quality.

Edited by OldGit

[quote name='bob_pickard' post='889654' date='Jul 8 2010, 04:28 PM']- Mine's a maple board - are they all rosewood these days?[/quote]

Just my poor reply composition there, the one being offered is rosewood.

Posted (edited)

The current crop of American Standard basses are the mutts nuts, so I would recommend those.

Fender have really upped their game in response to all the Sadowskys and Laklands etc. The quality is very good indeed and the s/h prices are reasonable and stable.

Edited by rjb

Again thanks for all the extra information. So its pretty much between a MIA and a MIJ - currently the MIJ is looking more appealing as they are quite a bit cheaper!

My brother is currently in japan - wonder if i can persuade him to bring me a MIJ bass back :)

Never really heard of shuker before but will definitely check them out.


[quote name='EvilSmile' post='890735' date='Jul 9 2010, 07:54 PM']Again thanks for all the extra information. So its pretty much between a MIA and a MIJ - currently the MIJ is looking more appealing as they are quite a bit cheaper!

My brother is currently in Japan - wonder if i can persuade him to bring me a MIJ bass back :)

Never really heard of Shuker before but will definitely check them out.[/quote]

Oh yes..
You should certainly check out the Shuker JJB if that's the kind of sound and spec you are looking for. And a hand build bass for £1500 new/ £1100 used? Has to be a possibility. May have to wait for a bit/ages though.

I can ask my Japanese spies if they can source something for your bro to pickup if you are talking used, and they are wherever he's going to be.
If you fancy new you may want to have a look here:
[url=""]Fender Japan Catalogue[/url]

PM me if I can help at all ..
My Black MIJ 57RI is now on hold for someone, sorry.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='OldGit' post='890820' date='Jul 9 2010, 09:16 PM']Oh yes..
You should certainly check out the Shuker JJB if that's the kind of sound and spec you are looking for. And a hand build bass for £1500 new/ £1100 used? Has to be a possibility. May have to wait for a bit/ages though.

I can ask my Japanese spies if they can source something for your bro to pickup if you are talking used, and they are wherever he's going to be.
If you fancy new you may want to have a look here:
[url=""]Fender Japan Catalogue[/url]

PM me if I can help at all ..
My Black MIJ 57RI is now on hold for someone, sorry.[/quote]

I've dropped an email to shuker inquiring about the basses. Waiting isn't really a huge problem for me - rather wait and get something amazing than rush and get something that is not up to par. That and £1500 for a hand made bass is almost too good to be true!

Thanks for the offers re sourcing things in japan. Once i've got my head round what i'm after i might be calling on your services :). Spoke with my bro and he's not too keen on bringing a bass back with him and it'd be harder for me to get him the money so its out of the question for the moment.

No worries about your bass - i'm really not ready to commit to anything yet - even importing as i still need to find some time to get out to some shops to start playing some basses.

I'm getting the feeling i'll be taking this slow and really look into all my options fully to make sure i'm getting exactly what i want. So far this thread has been extremely helpful!

Edited by EvilSmile

[quote name='EvilSmile' post='890894' date='Jul 9 2010, 10:39 PM']I've dropped an email to shuker inquiring about the basses. Waiting isn't really a huge problem for me - rather wait and get something amazing than rush and get something that is not up to par. That and £1500 for a hand made bass is almost too good to be true!

Thanks for the offers re sourcing things in japan. Once i've got my head round what i'm after i might be calling on your services :). Spoke with my bro and he's not too keen on bringing a bass back with him and it'd be harder for me to get him the money so its out of the question for the moment.

No worries about your bass - i'm really not ready to commit to anything yet - even importing as i still need to find some time to get out to some shops to start playing some basses.

I'm getting the feeling i'll be taking this slow and really look into all my options fully to make sure i'm getting exactly what i want. So far this thread has been extremely helpful![/quote]

Wise words. Take it slowly, try as may instruments as you can.
Japanese basses come in all the time..

Jon Shuker's not great on answering emails so don't panic if you don't get one back very quickly. He's very helpful on the phone if you can catch him. Admin and comms are rather secondary to building the basses so by far the best thing to do if possible is to go and visit his workshop. You won't get any hard sell. No need :rolleyes:
Also, as has been covered in many threads on here down the years, Luthier months bear little resemblence to normal months (a bit like festival and wedding time scales) So if he gives you an estimated build time ever, just double it :lol:

Have fun trying them all...


I've been seduced by a bass far too often and rushed ahead with a deal only to be disappointed further down the line (i guess many have!) i think its time i did it right and found the perfect bass for me - money be damned!

Good to know about Jon Shuker, I'll try and grab him on the phone to arrange a visit. Where exactly is he based?


[quote name='EvilSmile' post='890984' date='Jul 10 2010, 12:31 AM']I've been seduced by a bass far too often and rushed ahead with a deal only to be disappointed further down the line (i guess many have!) i think its time i did it right and found the perfect bass for me - money be damned!

Good to know about Jon Shuker, I'll try and grab him on the phone to arrange a visit. Where exactly is he based?[/quote]

and a secret bunker near Hope in Derbyshire..

Posted (edited)

Its a shame a visit to shuker is going to be a little too far out of my way.

I've had a chance to play some precisions now. Boy am i gad i did! Turns out i really don't get on with the necks, most are far to wide for me - i'm use to 38mm of my warwicks and 44mm and even 41mm is just too uncomfortable for me to play :)

So with that in mind and a precision like sound in my head i took a trip to bass direct and pretty much played everything in the shop! Huge mix of basses. After being in the shop for a good 5 hours i successfully killed any gas i might have had for a jazz bass - just not my tone its too delicate for me. I also wasn't hugely taken with precisions as well.

However PJ basses is a completely different story!

By the end of the day i had i narrowed down to a G&L SB 2 and a yamaha BB2024x. Both extremely nice basses and both sounding amazing and yet each was different. Although my heart was probably with the yamaha as it just had something about it, my head was with the G&L and at the end of the day out of everything i played the G&L SB-2 is the only bass that has ever ticked all my boxes and played the nicest and while not as wild as the yamaha BB2024x the sb2 was way more versitile and gave me the tones i wanted right out the box. Allround it felt more of a working mans bass where the yamaha BB2024x played more like a wild beast (sounded like one as well - very tight and thick with a lot of grunt and strength behind it). For me at my playing level a working mans bass that i can rely on to do the job in hand every time is exactly what i need.

As for the maple FB - every bass i played with one ended up too clacky for me liking! turns out rosewood was the way forward for me after all, amazing what a good playing session and trying many different basses does for you!

TL:DR - I'm now the proud owner of a G&L SB-2 in white with a tort pick guard (my favourite color) and am still finding sounds out of it that both myself and mark at bass direct never thought the bass was possible of doing with just Vol/Vol controls. A yamaha BB2024x is now on my 'If i ever have 2K+ spare and want another bass' list...

Edited by EvilSmile

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