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Same Old Scene Sound


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If I can convince the rest of the band I wouldn't mind having a go at Roxy Music's "Same Old Scene".

However, I think that bass sound is very striking.

I read that Alan Spenner played it on a Wal - is there any chance of getting near it with a P or Jazz?

It's also amazing the range of stuff that he played on - ubiquitous is the word!

PS When I Google'd Alan Spenner I came across a TalkBass thread where someone wanted to get hold of Alan because they thought they'd got hold of a bass that had been nicked from him. Poor fellow obviously had no idea that Alan had an untimely death in 1991.

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Was listening to "Dance Away" on Radio2 in the car this morning, thought what a good burpy bass sound it was and nicely understated playing - took me back to some great school-era parties too...... :)

So no help to the OP, but a bit of Roxy appreciation :rolleyes:

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Here is a juxtaposition of Alan on his Wal:

V his P Bass:

IMHO if you are doing cover versions you should do them in your own style. However if you want to incorporate some Alan Spenner into your own style then beautiful.

For the ultimate Alan on Wal listen to Roxy's Manifesto {avert your eye from the crap video!}:

P.S a study of Roxy & Ferry albums cover many great bass players Alan, John Gustafson, John Porter, John Wetton, Marcus Miller, etc, etc...


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