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Greetings Earth Creatures, I have been playing bass on and off for about 10 years, seriously playing for about 4 years.

I currently have:

MusicMan Stingray 4 string
Ampeg B2-RE
SVT 2x10
SVT 1x15

As I become more intertwined into the world of prog (I am a metal bassist at heart) I've started increasing my use of effects which is becoming a problem. It is a very esoteric world one that I still understand little off. But i'm getting there, My current board is as follows:

input -> boss bass synth (soon to be updated - possibley a deep impact, but they are very expensive now) -> Big Muff Russian green (got this last week, so sexy) -> boss dd-7 delay - -> boss OD3

as I've started to understand more about what I want and like the boss pedals are slowly being upgraded. I think I want a chorus and limiter/enhancer next (to make up for my sometimes slack dynamics :))

also over the last 2 years I've started to become a little more professional ( I am self taught - no lessons ever) and i've come across this forum afew times and thought it high times I involve myself in a community geared to towards the thing I spend 90% of my free time doing. BASS

oh and a link to my band -> www.myspace.com/betweenthescreams



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