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danelectro dc bass body


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hello all, this is probaly a stupid question and im not sure this is the right section of the forum.........but i was wondering if this was possible :lol:

this is pretty much just a half baked idea i have but ive always like the danelectro dc bass but the price of one for a student and a bass newbie such as myself is a bit too much. plus them being pretty hard to find doesnt help also. so im going to try to build one. well sort of :rolleyes:

i would like to make the bass look as orignal as possible so i was thinking of using alot of the parts from a dano 63 bass including neck, pickups etc. except i would like the bass to have a solid body :ph34r: . does anyone know if the 63 and dc have roughly the same neck join?(for templates)

so anyway back to the real question, does anyone know where i could get a body made or failing that some templates?

as i said before this is just a thought so please go easy :)


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You could re-post it in 'bass guitars' or 'technical and repairs'.

There's a list of luthiers here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=26654"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=26654[/url] - you could approach a few to give you a quote. Gawd knows what they'd charge for the job, but you could just give them the neck and tell them to build a DC body to fit.

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